
Vitamin E: The Cell Protection Vitamin

Vitamin E protects the cells in the body and plays an important role in the immune system. A balanced diet makes it easy to cover the daily requirement. During pregnancy, an adequate supply of vitamin E benefits both mother and child.

What is vitamin E and what does it do in the body?

Vitamin E is the collective term for several tocopherol compounds. The most important task of vitamin E is to protect the cells in the body.

It scavenges aggressive oxygen compounds called free radicals that attack cells. Larger amounts of these free radicals are produced, for example, by a lot of stress, cigarette consumption, or extensive sunbathing.

Vitamin E also plays an important role in immune defense and reduces inflammatory reactions. Because of its anticoagulant effect, vitamin E can prevent dangerous blood clots from forming – potentially helping to prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Which foods contain a lot of vitamin E?

Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. It needs fat or oil from food to be optimally absorbed by the body.

Is it possible to overdose on vitamin E?

Vitamin E excess is unlikely to occur in a normal diet. However, anyone who takes large amounts of vitamin E in the long term, for example via vitamin E preparations, must expect an overdose, which leads to symptoms such as gastrointestinal complaints, muscle weakness, or fatigue.

What should the supply of vitamin E look like during pregnancy?

The need for vitamin E is slightly increased during pregnancy. A vitamin E deficiency during pregnancy can lead to complications such as toxemia or a small birth size of the baby. The child’s risk of asthma may also be increased. However, pregnant women should also avoid an overdose of vitamin E. Because it can cause abdominal pain, premature rupture of membranes, and increased bleeding.

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Written by Jessica Vargas

I am a professional food stylist and recipe creator. Although I am a Computer Scientist by education, I decided to follow my passion for food and photography.

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