
What Helps Against Dandruff? Care Products And Tips

If fine, white flakes trickle from the head onto the shoulders and clothing, there is a dandruff alarm. We explain what causes the annoying and unsightly scales and what helps against it.

This is how you get rid of dandruff

Dandruff does fall out of the hair when brushing, but it originates from the scalp. There they form as part of the normal renewal of the top layer of skin and are shed. However, if this process gets out of hand and the skin also itches, there is a problem, the cause of which you should investigate. First of all, a distinction must be made between dry and greasy dandruff.

Combat dry dandruff

The fine white specimens result from a scalp that is too dry. Frequent washing, hot blow-drying, heating air and the wrong hair care promote drying out of the skin. Use a mild shampoo specially formulated for dry and damaged hair that is non-degreasing compared to regular hair care products. Treatments with oils and proteins also provide moisture. As a home remedy, you can also apply some olive oil to the scalp, leave it on overnight and rinse it out the next morning.

Coconut oil is also a good alternative. Discover here the many possible uses of the fragrant oil.

This helps against greasy dandruff

If the scales look yellowish and feel oily, the skin is producing too much sebum. This can promote the growth of a yeast fungus, which also irritates and stimulates dandruff production. In this case, you should use an anti-dandruff shampoo. This removes excess fat and brings the moisture balance back into balance. As a natural remedy, you can massage apple cider vinegar mixed with water into the scalp in a ratio of 1:1, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse out. A hair pack made from lemon juice and egg yolk can also work.

What role do diet, diseases and living conditions play?

There are other factors that can contribute to excessive dandruff. These include stress and an unhealthy diet. The frequent consumption of fast food and foods with a high sugar content is suspected of not only causing impure facial skin, but also affecting the scalp. So rely on a conscious diet and make sure you relax and get enough sleep on a regular basis.

If none of this helps, a disease can also be responsible for your dandruff. For example, a fungal infection, neurodermatitis and psoriasis are possible. A visit to the dermatologist provides clarity.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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