
Why it’s Dangerous: What Happens if You Leave Your Phone Charger in the Socket

Our lives are unimaginable without gadgets, which, in turn, do not function without periodic recharging. And if our mothers were worried about forgetting their wallets at home, now (when bank cards are tied to phones and even fitness bracelets) we are more worried about forgetting the charger at home.

But what do we do with the charger when the process of “refueling” with electricity is complete? Can we leave the charger unit in the socket or do we have to pull it away every time, risking loosening the socket itself?

Do I have to unplug the charger from the socket?

Absolutely, yes. Experts are unanimous that leaving the charger plugged in is a gross violation of your own safety.

What happens if you leave your phone charger plugged in

The biggest danger – is a short circuit and, as a consequence, a fire in the apartment or even in the house as a whole. Even a small surge in voltage (and the situation with electricity in our country is not the brightest) is enough to provoke trouble.

The cause of the fire can also be a malfunction of the charger itself. And it is almost impossible to determine such a malfunction just by eye. And besides, we do not always spend money on expensive and high-quality chargers, often saving ourselves with Chinese analogs.

Is it dangerous to leave the charger in the socket

As we’ve already noted – yes. Especially during thunderstorms or storm winds. In this case, it is generally recommended to de-energize the entire house (disconnect from power all electrical appliances, including phones and laptops).

Such a situation is especially dangerous for a house where there are wooden elements of decoration, especially – close to the outlet (for example, the walls are paneled with wood or wood materials).

Why you can not leave the charger in the network – a question of economy

Another important reason is the additional costs: the charger in the socket continues to work and for nothing translates the electricity, for which you will have to pay extra. And the more chargers there are in the house, the more expensive such a bad habit is to the family budget.

How to know if your charger is going bad

If the device heats up when it is not in the process of charging the gadget – this is a sure sign of malfunction. If it heats up a little while charging the device, it is still normal.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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