
Drinking in Old Age: How Much is Healthy?

If you drink enough, you can think better and concentrate better. But how much drinking is actually healthy?

The essentials in brief:

  • Not drinking enough leads to headaches, dizziness, forgetfulness or confusion.
  • The recommendation: drink 1.5 liters per day, which corresponds to about 6 glasses or large cups.
  • Water from the tap, mineral water, juice spritzer or unsweetened fruit and herbal teas are best.

Drink enough

Sufficient drinking is an important prerequisite for well-being and high performance. If you drink enough, you can think better and concentrate better. Because our body is constantly losing water through the kidneys, lungs, intestines and skin, we have to replenish it regularly.

The German Society for Nutrition recommends drinking around 1.5 liters per day. The need for liquid increases when the room temperature is higher, in the event of diarrhea or fever, through the use of diuretics ( water tablets ) or laxatives.

Fear of frequent trips to the toilet often leads to not drinking enough. The feeling of thirst also decreases and drinking is then simply forgotten. This can cause the body to become dehydrated. This can lead to dizziness, fatigue and dry mucous membranes. It is therefore important to drink enough and regularly.

Drink water regularly

You should have a drink before you feel thirsty. Instead of drinking 1.5 liters of water in a short amount of time, spread the amount out over the day. A drinking plan can help with this. A filled bottle or thermos with tea in sight is a reminder to drink.

Tap or mineral water are ideal thirst quenchers, fruit juice spritzers or unsweetened fruit or herbal teas are a healthy change. You should only drink high-sugar beverages occasionally. Water-containing foods such as cucumber or watermelon also contribute to a (small) part to hydration.

How much coffee and tea are tolerated?

Coffee and black tea also help keep you hydrated. However, they are stimulants and contain stimulants such as caffeine and theophylline. If you have cardiovascular problems and are unsure, consult your doctor.

Caffeine can increase the urge to urinate and promote incontinence. You no longer excrete water, but you have to go to the toilet more often. This can be uncomfortable if you have a weak bladder or problems with the prostate. You can usually enjoy about three to four cups of coffee a day without any problems.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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