
Cilantro – Useful Properties And Methods Of Application

Cilantro is a spicy herb known to humans for more than 5,000 years. Traditionally, we call cilantro only a fresh, green plant and the seeds of this plant are called coriander.

The beneficial properties of cilantro have long been used in folk medicine. In ancient times, girls believed that if they gave their beloved a tincture of coriander, his heart would forever belong to the one who had given him this “magic potion”. It was also believed that cilantro seeds grant immortality.

Modern medicine has proven the beneficial properties of coriander (cilantro).

A plant planted in a pot perfectly purifies the air in an apartment. The spice is considered a good antiseptic, helps with colds, and is used as an expectorant.

Few people know that chewing coriander seeds before a meal can slow down the process of intoxication. A decoction of chopped fresh greens is used to cleanse the skin, and regular washing with a decoction of cilantro greens helps to improve the condition of the skin.

Calorie content of cilantro (coriander)

The caloric content of ground cilantro is 216 kilocalories per 100 g. The spicy herb will not harm your figure and can be included in a diet for weight loss. In addition, fresh cilantro will fill the body with minerals and vitamins of groups A and B.

The benefits of cilantro (coriander)

The benefits of cilantro undoubtedly lie in its rich composition, which combines vitamins C, B, PP, rutin, carotene, pectin, aromatic oils, ascorbic acid, and macro- and microelements. Having a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it also normalizes digestion processes and promotes faster and easier absorption of heavy foods.

It is believed that if you chew the seeds of this plant a little, the effect of alcohol on intoxication will noticeably decrease.

From a medical point of view, the beneficial properties of cilantro (coriander) are manifested in the antiseptic, analgesic, and choleretic effects that this herb has on gastritis. It is considered an excellent helper for various colds, as well as an expectorant.

The fact that it has the ability to strengthen the gums, relieve stomatitis, and even prevent tooth decay also speaks to the benefits of cilantro. The essential oils in fresh cilantro can have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect. At the same time, they are easily excreted from the body through the urinary system, having a beneficial effect on the kidneys and bladder.

The harm of cilantro and contraindications

Cilantro can cause harm to the body in case of ulcers and gastritis. It is better not to use this herb for people who have serious problems with the heart and blood vessels (coronary artery disease, as well as thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, and thrombosis). People suffering from diabetes mellitus and hypertension should also stop using the herb.

It should be remembered that you can eat no more than 35 grams of fresh herbs and 4 grams of coriander seeds per meal.

The use of cilantro (coriander) in cooking

In cooking, cilantro is used as a spicy plant, i.e. a spice. The taste of different parts of the plant is different, so they are suitable for different dishes.

Cilantro is a very popular herb in the cuisine of many countries.

Fresh herbs can be purchased at any supermarket and are usually added to salads. The plant has a characteristic flavor and aroma, so it is not used much in fresh form. Cilantro gives the dish a specific flavor that goes well with meat. Since the taste and aroma of the spicy herb are quite pronounced, you need to add only a little. A few sprigs of the plant added at the end of cooking will give the dish a tart flavor.

Cilantro goes especially well with everyday dishes such as pea and bean soup. Cilantro is used to garnish sandwiches or other appetizers before serving.

Coriander (cilantro seeds) is widely used in the preparation of fish and meat dishes. However, this use of the seeds is not entirely correct, as coriander should not be subjected to heat treatment, as it loses its flavor when heated. It is often added to homemade pickles of cabbage, vegetables, and bacon.

The seeds give the dish a slightly sweetish flavor, and the food is enriched with a woody aroma when coriander is added.

Coriander is especially revered in Caucasian cuisine. Here it is added to kebabs, bread dough, vegetable stews, and even fermented dairy products.

Ground coriander is very popular in cooking, it contains the maximum amount of essential oil, which is a volatile substance by nature and evaporates quickly. Do not add a lot of ground coriander, otherwise, the dish will acquire a damp and musty smell.

This seasoning is used for cooking cabbage rolls and meat chops.

It is very easy to prepare cilantro for future use; it is enough to dry fresh herbs and you can add spices to dishes all year round. In Germany, coriander is even added to beer for a special flavor.

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Written by Bella Adams

I'm a professionally-trained, executive chef with over ten years in Restaurant Culinary and hospitality management. Experienced in specialized diets, including Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw foods, whole food, plant-based, allergy-friendly, farm-to-table, and more. Outside of the kitchen, I write about lifestyle factors that impact well-being.

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