
B Vitamins For Strong Nerves

Greater ability to concentrate, more motivation, and a better mood – scientists have now decoded the amazing effect of the B vitamins. Vitamin B deficiency is a possible cause, particularly in the case of stress symptoms and chronic exhaustion.

Fruit and vegetables five times a day – who can do that when they are constantly stressed?

We can neither see nor taste nor smell them – but they are as important for our lives as the air we breathe: B vitamins. It is true that many people nowadays believe that they are adequately supplied with food. But on the one hand, hardly anyone obediently eats the recommended five portions of fruit or vegetables per day. On the other hand, the need for vital substances increases drastically in certain situations in life – and this particularly affects the feeling of chronic stress that one in five people complain about today.

B vitamins at a glance

Vitamin B12 – the energy supplier in case of exhaustion and overload

Whether it’s family problems, trouble at work, or just the hectic pace of everyday life – there are many factors that can trigger a feeling of exhaustion. But doctors have found an ideal antidote: vitamin B12. It not only strengthens our nervous system but also reduces stress reactions and helps with overload and exhaustion. However, our body cannot produce this substance itself – we have to supply it from the outside. About three micrograms of these B vitamins every day.

Vitamin B4h, vitamin B12, and dextrose: The anti-stress police

A problem especially for vegans and also many vegetarians. Because sufficient amounts are only found in animal foods such as meat, eggs, and dairy products. Therefore, doctors recommend – especially when our need is increased due to stress – to take dietary supplements with vitamin B12. Best in combination with other B vitamins as well as caffeine and glucose (dextrose). This allows the vital substances to enter the metabolism more quickly, and the body gets an extra boost of energy from dextrose.

Choline (also known as vitamin B4) is also helpful in case of exhaustion and at the same time an excellent heart protector. Studies show that these B vitamins improve memory, reduce the concentration of cell toxins and prevent liver damage. Doctors, therefore, recommend combined preparations from the pharmacy, all of which contain energy pushers, in the event of persistent stress, poor concentration, and depressive moods.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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