What Foods You Can Eat After the Expiration Date and What Foods You Can’t

When buying a product, we always pay attention to the packaging, where the expiration date of the product is indicated. Unfortunately, some stores “break” the date in order to prolong the presence of the product on the shelf, but even if we buy a fresh product, it can still give God its soul while lying in the refrigerator.

What foods you can eat after the expiration date – a list

Experts cite eight products that do not become dangerous to humans if they expire. They can be eaten, but it is important to know some rules:

  • eggs – at 4°C in the refrigerator, chicken gifts can “live” another 4-5 weeks after the expiration date;
  • bread – it will keep 5-7 days in the fridge and 3-6 months in the freezer;
  • Pasta – in a large container and in a cool dry place may be kept for a year or two after the final date of consumption;
  • breakfast cereals – unopened can be stored for 6-8 months after the expiration date, unopened – 4-6 months;
  • milk – a closed package will retain the properties of milk for one month after the expiration date, while an open package retains its properties for 7-10 days;
  • yogurt – unopened will “live” for 3 weeks after the expiration date, unopened – 1 week.

Nutritionists say that honey and peanut paste can be included in this list – as a rule, these products are stored for a long time in a dry and dark place, especially if they are closed.

Despite the loyalty of the above products, you should be especially careful with “dairy” – you can store and consume it further, only if it has not acquired a specific smell or mold.

Is it possible to eat expired sausage – a list of prohibited products

The food options that we described above belong to unpretentious products, which can be consumed after the expiration date. But there are also products that do not tolerate negligence – if something from the list below is missing, it is better to send it immediately to the trash:

  • minced meat – stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 12 hours at 4°C, then it disappears and becomes unfit for food;
  • minced fish – can be kept in the refrigerator for two hours or in the freezer for two months;
    soft cheeses – usually go bad after the second day, becoming sticky and covered with crusts;
  • berries – fresh berries keep for maximum 2 days, then they get covered with dark spots, develop sap, and release mycotoxins;
  • vegetable juices – unlike fruit juices, they don’t contain acid, that’s why they sour quickly and may cause serious poisoning;
  • seafood – this should not be stored for more than three days and should be eaten immediately after the purchase;
  • Sausages, charcuterie, and baked pork – all types of cuts of meat may be kept in the refrigerator for 3-5 days maximum;
  • Chicken, meat, by-products: keep in the fridge for no more than 3 days at 0-4°C or cook immediately after buying.

By the way, regarding the last point – nutritionists advise always buying chilled meat, not frozen. This way you have less chance of bringing home already a stale product. If, however, the meat was frozen, then cook it immediately after defrosting.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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