Where Does a Lot of Dust Come From and How to Get Rid of It: 6 Steps to Cleanliness

Dust is small particles of organic or mineral origin that enter your apartment through ventilation, open windows, and doors. You can also bring them with you on your clothes, which makes them feel like it’s dirty no matter how you clean them.

How to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time – simple ways

Many hostesses think that the dust in the apartment will always be there, even if daily wet cleaning. In fact – this is not the case, you just need to know some tricks, thanks to which your home will always shine with cleanliness.

Do not turn into a “hoarder”

“Favorite” places for dust particles are various souvenirs, soft toys, figurines, paintings, and other dust collectors. They, of course, enjoy their aesthetics or nostalgic notes, however, keeping them clean is difficult enough. That’s why the first tip is to remove items you don’t use on a daily basis from prominent places so they don’t collect dust.

Damp cleaning is your best friend

It’s prosaic and banal, but true – the more often you do wet cleaning, the less dust accumulates in the apartment. This is especially true for people who suffer from allergies or asthma – they just need fresh air. An ideal helper in the cleaning process would be a microfiber rag, or better yet, two – dry and wet. With the dry one you remove the top layer of dust, and with the wet one you destroy the rest.

Don’t skimp on appliances

If you choose a vacuum cleaner, buy a model with a water filter – such instances are better at collecting dust and preventing it from coming back. In addition, they’re great for cleaning the air and giving your home a fresh feeling. Some vacuum cleaners have a built-in mop that can help you clean faster.

Arm yourself with cleaning supplies

When you’re trying to fight dust, use polish – it’s convenient to wipe the furniture with, then the dust “sits” on it much less. Another universal tool is a laundry conditioner. It should be mixed in a ratio of 1:3, where 1 – is part of the conditioner and 3 – is water. With such a solution, it is ideal to wipe surfaces or add them to the compartment of the robot vacuum cleaner.

Buy vacuum bags

You can store old clothes, pillows, and blankets in these containers – things in a vacuum take up less space than without them and are completely free of dust. Coats, jackets, jackets, and other outerwear are better suited for coats and special cases.

Use a humidifier

This is an essential device for those who want to always breathe freely – modern humidifiers regularly clean the air and prevent dust deposits. This is especially true during the heating season when the air in the apartment becomes “heavy”.

As an alternative to the humidifier you can have a few houseplants – they provide the process of oxygen circulation, creating the right amount of moisture in the room.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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