
Diet Change – The Way to More Well-Being

Prerequisite for a successful transition: The new diet must suit you. Because in the long run, only those who get full and who like it stay with the matter.

A change in diet is not a diet

An individual change in diet does exactly that: in accordance with personal preferences, it is varied which foods you should eat more often and which less often. This is the difference between diets: There is no constant calorie counting and no ready-made menu, but a direction and many possibilities to try out.

Eating patterns can be reprogrammed

Nutritional patterns from childhood shape us deeply. Breaking unhealthy habits once learned is not easy, but it is possible. “Changing embossing works via the so-called mere exposure effect,” says Dr. Matthew Riedl. This effect, also known as the effect of mere contact in German, describes an interesting psychological finding: namely, that the repeated perception of an initially neutrally evaluated thing – such as a salad – results in it being evaluated more positively over time. So you can definitely “reprogram” your brain, it only takes a few weeks of perseverance.

How do you go about making a change like this? The following timetable will help with the implementation.

1. Set yourself a specific goal

Whatever it may be – the desired weight, better skin, no more bloating, certain movements pain-free again, or being able to do without certain medication: Choose your goal so that it can be achieved in a few weeks or months. This mainly applies to weight reduction. Formulate clearly, for example: “I want to lose at least ten kilos by the summer and get rid of my knee pain.” This is more effective than a vague resolution like: “I’m trying to lose a lot of weight so that I can walk better.”

Write the goal down, for example in your food diary and/or on a memo on the fridge. That creates commitment.

2. Inform the most important people

Everyone in your household should be in the know, because shopping and cooking together will change, possibly even the entire everyday rhythm, such as intermittent fasting. Perhaps your loved ones will join in with the planned changeover. The entire family benefits from the nutritional recommendations and healthy, delicious recipes, especially in the case of widespread diseases such as obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

Also, talk to your doctor about your plans. If he is skeptical, consult a nutritionist/consultant if in doubt. Because if you take medication, the dose must be reduced in parallel with the success of the change in diet.

3. Create a support network

Good friends or your favorite colleague: Support is always valuable when you leave your usual routine and enter new territory. Find allies. A change always requires some organization and often a lot of willpower – especially if your partner doesn’t go along with you or colleagues are constantly trying to get you something.

Also, keep in mind that the more people you let in on your project, the greater the social control.

4. Observe your current eating habits

Before making the change, you first need to know the initial situation. Keep a food diary for about a week and analyze: What and how much do I eat or drink and when? When do which symptoms appear? Compare the current state with the target state, i.e. the recommended and less recommended foods for your illness. What did you notice?

5. Identify problems and find solutions

If you should omit certain food components – such as wheat, cow’s milk, fructose, or others – then you first need an overview: What is in what? Processed foods often contain ingredients that laypeople would not expect, such as sugars in cold cuts, whey powder in baked goods, or gluten in soy sauce. It pays to read the ingredient lists carefully.

If you have identified unhealthy habits, such as frequent snacking, identify the motives: convenience, boredom, thirst, comfort food? Think about what can help. For example, if you often eat out of boredom or stress, then write a “rather than eat” list: it contains things that are good for you and distract you from cravings. The tips for more mindfulness help many of those affected.

Too much fast food and ready meals are a common problem. Draw up a plan on how to integrate more fresh food into your diet: shop differently, possibly cook in advance, involve helpers (partner, grandma, neighbors), or pack healthy provisions for on the go. Changing daily routines is a challenge, but with the right trick

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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