
Exploring Canada’s Iconic Dish: Fries with Gravy

Introduction: Canada’s Beloved Dish

When it comes to Canadian cuisine, nothing quite matches the popularity of poutine. Fries with gravy and cheese curds, known simply as poutine, has become one of the country’s most iconic dishes. This savory, satisfying comfort food has a special place in the hearts of Canadians, and has even made its way onto menus worldwide.

History of Fries with Gravy

The origin of poutine is shrouded in mystery, with several towns across Quebec claiming to have invented the dish. Many believe it was first created in the 1950s, when a customer at a restaurant in Warwick, Quebec asked for cheese on their fries. The owner, who didn’t have shredded cheese on hand, instead added cheese curds to the dish. Poutine quickly spread throughout Quebec and eventually became a beloved staple across Canada.

The Perfect French Fry for Poutine

To create the perfect poutine, the fries must be crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. The ideal thickness is between 1/4 inch and 1/2 inch, and the potatoes should be blanched in oil at a lower temperature to create the perfect texture. Russet or Yukon Gold potatoes are the preferred choice as they have a higher starch content and yield a crispier fry.

The Many Variations of Poutine

Poutine has come a long way since its humble beginnings, with countless variations and toppings available today. Some popular options include smoked meat, pulled pork, bacon, and even lobster. In some parts of Quebec, poutine is served with hot dogs or hamburgers on top.

Where to Find the Best Poutine in Canada

Poutine can be found on menus across Canada, from fast food chains to upscale restaurants. Some of the best places to find authentic poutine include Montreal, Quebec City, and Ottawa. La Banquise in Montreal is a particularly popular spot with over 30 varieties of poutine on its menu.

Making Your Own Poutine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making poutine at home is relatively simple, and requires only a few ingredients. Start by making the fries, then top them with cheese curds and hot gravy. For a more authentic taste, use beef gravy or a mixture of chicken and beef stock. Add any additional toppings and enjoy your homemade poutine.

The Debate: Cheese Curds or Shredded Cheese?

One of the biggest debates in the world of poutine is whether to use cheese curds or shredded cheese. Purists swear by the traditional cheese curds, which are made from raw milk and have a distinct squeak. Others prefer shredded cheese, which melts more easily and can be easier to find outside of Quebec.

The Healthier Side of Poutine: Vegan and Gluten-Free Options

For those looking for a healthier version of poutine, vegan and gluten-free options are available. Vegan poutine typically uses a plant-based gravy and cheese substitute, while gluten-free versions may use sweet potato fries or other alternatives.

Poutine-Inspired Dishes: Beyond Fries and Gravy

Poutine has inspired a wide range of dishes that go beyond fries and gravy. Some popular options include poutine pizza, poutine burgers, and even poutine-style nachos. These dishes typically feature the same key elements of poutine, including the cheese curds and hot gravy.

Conclusion: Why Poutine is Here to Stay

Poutine has become an iconic dish in Canada, and its popularity only continues to grow. From its humble beginnings in Quebec, poutine has spread across the country and beyond, and has even made its mark on the world stage. Whether you prefer traditional cheese curds or shredded cheese, poutine is a beloved comfort food that is sure to satisfy any craving.

Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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