
How Can I Dry Figs?

Only perfectly ripe fruit should be dried to get a good, tasty result. Ripe figs can be recognized by the fact that they are very soft and yield even under slight pressure. Sometimes a tough juice escapes.

The fruits can be air-dried, especially in summer, if you place them on a wire frame to protect them from insects. This is important so that enough air can get to the fruit and it doesn’t rot or go mouldy. They should get direct sun and also have temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius at night. Turn fruit regularly. This variant takes about 1 to 2 weeks.

If this is too time-consuming or if the climatic conditions are lacking, the figs can also be dried in the oven. However, there is also a small risk associated with this method: the temperature in the oven must not be too high. A maximum of 50-60 degrees Celsius is permitted, otherwise, the fruit threatens to boil and become inedible. The fruits dry in the oven for between 10 and 20 hours. The oven door should be fully opened every hour to allow moisture to escape.

What do you put in dried figs to store them?

In order to achieve perfect conservation and prevent them from drying out excessively, you must store the dried fruits in well-closed glass jars and in a cool, dry place, protected from light and insects. They stay that way for months.

How long does it take to dry figs?

The drier ones will keep well in an airtight container for weeks or even months, and can also be frozen.

How can figs be preserved?

A fresh fig in good condition can remain at room temperature, in a cool, ventilated place and away from sunlight, for one or two days without losing quality. But if it is too hot or we are not going to consume it quickly, it is best to use the cold from the fridge, and the sooner the better.

How to dry figs in electric oven?

Another method is through the electric fruit dryer. For this it is necessary to clean and wash the figs. Then, in a tray suitable for the oven, place the figs leaving a reasonable space between them. Put the figs in the oven at 40°C for 4 hours.

How to dry figs in a dehydrator?

We simply clean them lightly with a cloth (we do not wash them with water) and place them in the tray of the dehydrator whole, with the tail included. They need considerably more time than peaches and cherrys, about 3 days at 45 degrees.

How do you make dried figs in the microwave?

One of the most used home methods to dehydrate food is the oven, as it gives good results, it is hygienic and almost everyone has one. Therefore, it is our first choice. Here we tell you how to dry figs in the oven following the easy step-by-step:

  • Buy fresh and good-quality figs. Regardless of the variety, fresh figs should have a firm texture to the touch and an exquisite aroma. Discard all those that have a soft texture or brown spots.
  • Don’t wait long to use them. This food is very delicate and even if you refrigerate it, it will remain in good condition for only 3 days, and as that time passes, it will gradually lose organoleptic qualities, for example, its flavor will fade.
  • Wash the figs thoroughly using plenty of cold water. Handle them with great care, as they are very soft-textured fruits and can easily be damaged or broken. Place them under water and use your thumbs to remove dirt and debris.
  • Dry them very well using paper towels or a dry cloth. Roll the figs on the paper or cloth until dry. Remember, do it subtly, because as you already know it is a delicate fruit.
  • Remove the stem and cut them. You can cut the figs in half or quarters. If you cut them in half, cut them crosswise from the beginning of the stem to the bottom end. Thanks to this step, the drying process will speed up and you will obtain a more even result.
  • Put the figs on a rack and under the rack add a tray. Arrange them leaving 2-3 cm of space between them. Put them with the cut part (the pulp) facing up and avoid piling them on top of each other.
  • Preheat the oven to 80°C. Have it ready in advance between 10-20 minutes and before introducing the tray lower the temperature.
  • Dry the figs in the oven at 50°C and 60°C. That is the ideal temperature, but if your oven does not allow you to have a temperature that low, use the minimum allowed and leave the door a little ajar.
  • Turn the figs every 1-3 hours and check how the drying progresses. You will know that they are ready when they acquire the following characteristics: brown skin, rough and soft texture, but not sticky, in addition, they should not expel internal juices when you squeeze them.
  • The drying process will take between 10 and 24 hours. This time ensures that you can keep the product for a long time since all the moisture has been extracted from the fruit.
  • If you want an express method, it may take 2-5 hours. The result will be a product that you should consume in less time, a maximum of one or two weeks. Of course, the oven is started at 180 °C and lowered to 80 °C during the process, just when the figs acquire a rough and somewhat sticky texture. From then on, check them every 30 minutes two more times.
  • Turn off the oven until cool and leave the figs inside. Then take them out but don’t touch them right away.
  • Once cool, store them in a sterilized glass jar. Make sure the container is hermetically sealed and place it in a cool, dry place. And if you’re wondering how to keep dried figs in the oven, keep in mind that some people freeze them in special bags and they can last up to 2 years.
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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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