
How Do You Degrease Sauces?

There are three variants of degreasing sauces (from the French “dégraisser”):

The first option is to let the finished sauce cool down and put it in the fridge for a few hours. Since fat is known to always float to the top, it hardens when it cools down and can simply be removed from above.

Variant two: If the sauce is still hot, I take a sauce ladle and stir the fat from the inside to the edge of the pot and pick it up there with the ladle. If I want, I can carefully wipe up the last fat spots with a paper towel.

And the third option: I can pour off the sauce with a so-called fat can (here the opening is quite far down) and then stop the process when the fat floating on top is reached. It then remains in the pot.

How do you degrease something?

Surfactants are known to most people in the private sector from detergents and dishwashing detergents and fulfill the same function when degreasing sheet metal and metal as with dirty dishes: they moisten, loosen and emulsify or demulsify the fats and oils. During emulsification, the fat is kept in solution.

Why does fat separates from the sauce?

If the butter separates or looks oily, it has overheated.

What absorbs fat?

In order to be able to wash it out, an emulsifier is required, such as that found in dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent. Alternatively, you can absorb the fat with various powders – from baking powder to cornstarch to baby powder, a lot has proven itself here.

How do you degrease goose stock?

Allow the stock to cool and skim off the fat that will set and settle to the top.

Pull the rear from the center outwards using circular movements. Then you have a bit more fat at the edge. It’s relatively easy to take off.

Remove the stock from the stove and throw in ice cubes. The top layer cools and the fat sticks to the ice cubes. Skim off the hardened fat.

Degreasing cloths that absorb the grease. They look like kitchen towels, but they just soak up the grease and not the water.

With the good old goose fat jug (fat separating jug), which has the spout at the bottom.

How to separate gravy from fat?

Suck off fat with a spatula or skim it off with a spoon or flat scoop. Alternatively, you can also carefully lay kitchen roll flat on it, which then soaks up the water, but only until it is saturated (in my opinion, it doesn’t work that well and is quite a mess).

How do you use a grease can?

The spout sits near the bottom of the pot, making it easier to separate the solid parts of the sauce from the fat. Since the fat floats at the top, the remaining liquid settles at the bottom and can be poured off.

What is a sauce separator?

With this fat separator you can separate fat from gravy and broth easily and quickly. If necessary, the removable sieve that is included holds back seasoning ingredients such as onions and diced vegetables when you pour them into the sauce separator.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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