
The Five Most Useful Cereals That Save From a Dangerous Disease are Named


Buckwheat deservedly ranks first in the list of the healthiest cereals. Cereals should make up at least 40 percent of a healthy person’s daily diet. Doctors say that buckwheat, millet, rice, and pearl barley contain essential fiber and are also the richest source of minerals, trace elements, and B vitamins.

Each cereal is unique and has its own benefits. The ideal diet is one that contains the maximum variety of whole grains.

Buckwheat deservedly ranks first in the list of the healthiest cereals. It is a reliable source of vegetable protein, slow carbohydrates, and antioxidants that protect the body from aging. This cereal is also rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. Coarse fiber stimulates intestinal motility, removes excess cholesterol, reduces the risk of diabetes, and fights hypertension.

Rice is an indispensable source of zinc, a substance that protects and restores skin and mucous membranes. However, to get this mineral, you should choose brown rice rather than white. All useful substances such as phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, and fiber are contained in the husk of the grain.

Regular consumption of rice dishes helps to relieve the symptoms of sciatica, and neurocirculatory dystonia and removes radionuclides from the body. Rice significantly reduces the risk of dermatitis and arthrosis and promotes rapid wound healing and digestive recovery.

The habit of eating oatmeal for breakfast has been known for a long time. Cereals contain protein, coarse fiber, and a number of trace elements: potassium, magnesium, zinc, beta-gluconate, and vitamins A and E.

Scientists have shown that fiber, together with beta-glucanase, has a pronounced cholesterol-lowering effect on the body, protecting blood vessels from excess cholesterol. Whole-grain oatmeal strengthens the immune system, improves hair and skin condition, stimulates digestion, and even lowers blood sugar.

Another healthy cereal is bulgur. It contains a lot of protein (12 grams per 100 grams of product), vitamins K, B, and E, beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

Like other cereals, bulgur has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. However, only this cereal is known for promoting the outflow of bile, protecting against the formation of stones, and preventing liver intoxication.

One of the main advantages of corn is that it does not contain gluten, which provokes the development of autoimmune processes. In addition, corn grits are a source of vitamins E, A, B, H, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as amino acids such as tryptophan and lysine.

Eating corn-based dishes helps restore the functioning of the stomach, gallbladder, and liver. Corn also takes care of the intestines, filling the microbiome with friendly microorganisms.

Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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