
Mango: The Healthy Sweet Fruit

The mango is the ideal fruit for everyone who loves it sweet, healthy, and exotic. The sun-yellow fruits taste best raw, but they also go wonderfully with desserts, savory dishes, jams, and juices.

Mango: From India to Europe

Like the cashew and pistachio trees, the mango (Mangifera indica) belongs to the sumac family (Anacardiaceae). Sumac plants are mostly shrubs or trees, whereby the mango tree can reach heights of over 35 meters. It is also evergreen, which means that its pointed and leathery leaves adorn it all year round.

Species from the Anacardiaceae family are mainly found in the tropics and subtropics, including the mango tree. It is at home in the tropical rainforest and originally comes from India, where it has been cultivated for at least 4,000 years. In pre-Christian times, the mango reached the Philippines via Southeast Asia and China, but it was not until the 16th century that Portuguese seafarers brought it to Africa, Brazil, and Europe.

The mango fruit is a stone fruit

Then as of now, the main interest is the aromatic, fragrant, and sweet-tasting fruit, the mango. It hangs from a long stalk on the tree and can weigh up to 2 kg. However, the mangoes offered in stores usually only weigh up to 500 g.

The mango fruit is encased in a thin, smooth skin and the flesh is – depending on the mango variety and degree of ripeness – juicy and soft, most tender, and sometimes also fibrous. Even the bright color of the fruit, which ranges from green to yellow to red, exudes an exotic charm and invites you to enjoy it. Inside the usually golden-yellow fruit is a large stone core that contains the seed. For this reason, the mango such. B. also the peach and the olive a stone fruit.

Mango growing countries

The mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan, and the Philippines and is now cultivated in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. However, the main growing area is still their home country of India, where an incredible 15 million tons of mangoes are harvested every year – around half of global production. In addition, the stone fruit is also cultivated in Thailand and Indonesia.

Mango – the sweet food of the gods

“There are only two seasons in India: the monsoon and the mango. One refreshes the earth, the other refreshes the soul.”
This proverb makes it very clear what an intimate connection the Indians have to their “Aam”, as the mango is called in Hindi. Every year in early summer in India there is hardly any other topic that heats up the mind more than the mango. If you ask a hundred Indians what the best mango variety is – there are around 1,000 on the subcontinent alone – you will get a hundred different answers.

In the Hindu Vedas, the mango was already mentioned around 1200 BC. praised as food for the gods. This appreciation is still found in the Hindu faith. The delicious fruits are still offered as offerings today. In addition, the lush drupe has religious significance for Buddhists. Buddha himself is said to have preferred to meditate in the shade of a mango tree so that this plant has become a symbol of (inner) power and strength.

For thousands of years, poets have also been inspired by the mango tree, its blossoms, leaves, and fruits. Mango trees symbolize love and the leaves are considered auspicious at weddings and other celebrations.

The mango in folk medicine

The list of health problems that are treated in Asia with active ingredients from the mango fruit and other parts of the mango tree is very long.

The bright red flowers, rich in tannin, are used, for example, to treat diarrhea and dysentery as well as chronic bladder infections. The ground bark has an astringent effect and is used for rheumatism, diphtheria, and bronchitis and as a stomach tonic. The resinous tree sap cures skin fungal diseases.

With the help of the branches and leaves, dental diseases such as periodontitis are prevented. A tea made from the leaves is used as a gargle for angina, bronchitis, and asthma, and the ash of the leaves for burns. The powdered core of the mango, on the other hand, is said to be helpful for rheumatism, diarrhea, and worms.

Mango kernel oil is obtained from the seeds, which are used in the manufacture of chocolate on the one hand and as an ingredient in natural cosmetics on the other. The so-called mango butter is very suitable due to its moisturizing and moisturizing properties, e.g. It can be used to make creams, lotions, and lip balms, for example, and helps skin regenerate and heal.

Last but not least, the flesh of unripe and ripe fruits is also used medicinally. There are different preparations that are used as drainage and laxatives. Mango puree is recommended for heat stroke and sunstroke.

The nutritional values ​​of the mango

The mango convinces with just under 60 calories per 100 g. It is particularly advantageous that the mango has a water content of more than 80 percent and is also considered a satiating agent. The nutrient profile for 100 g mango is as follows:

  • Carbohydrates 12.8g
  • dietary fiber 1.7 g
  • protein 0.8 g
  • Fat 0.4g

Since the mango contains a particularly large amount of fruit-specific sugar, it is often referred to as the cream cake among fruit types. Sometimes people who are overweight or diabetic are therefore discouraged from eating mangoes. But how useful is this advice?

The mango is sweet and yet healthy!

Fructose has fallen into disrepute in recent years because it is associated with obesity and, according to a study at Tufts University in Boston, is said to even promote the development of the non-alcoholic fatty liver.

However, it is usually not mentioned at all that the test persons did not receive fresh fruit, but fructose in an isolated, concentrated form. Such investigations are therefore far removed from the real situation and not meaningful.

There is no question that fructose syrup, which is added to many beverages and convenience products, especially in the USA, can play a major role in the development of obesity. But if you eat sweet fruit like mango in normal amounts, you don’t have to be afraid of the naturally contained fructose (unless you have a fructose intolerance).

Two portions of fruit a day are not a problem even for diabetics, since the increase in blood sugar is kept within limits with the amount of fructose it contains. This also applies to types of fruit that are particularly high in sugar, such as mangoes. The fiber, vitamins, and minerals also contained in the mango make the tempting little fruit an almost indispensable part of a healthy diet.

The minerals of the mango

While many fruits are rather low in minerals, the mango can make a significant contribution to covering the daily mineral requirement (RDA).

Mango vitamins

There are more than ten different vitamins in the mango, some of which are also relevant in terms of meeting the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Mango: 25 carotenoids contribute to health

In addition, the mango is rich in secondary plant substances, such as B. Carotenoids. Analysis has shown that there are a total of 25 carotenoids in mango, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which may protect against diseases of the retina of the eye and may accompany therapy.

When it comes to beta-carotene, the mango is one of the best sources of all fruits, with up to 3,000 µg of beta-carotene per 100 g. According to official sources, the daily requirement is between 2,000 to 4,000 µg of beta carotene. A little more than half a mango is enough to know that you are well-supplied with beta-carotene.

However, it should be borne in mind that the beta-carotene content can vary greatly depending on the mango variety. while e.g. For example, the Tommy Atkins variety only contains 500 µg of beta-carotene per 100 g, while the Ataul variety contains around 2,600 µg.

Beta-carotene is also known as provitamin A because it is converted in the body to vitamin A, which is crucial for the visual process. Studies have shown that beta carotene e.g. Prevents heart disease, protects against cancer, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Beta carotene and vitamin C reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Beta-carotene not only plays an important role as provitamin A but also offers health benefits per se. Beta-carotene has a positive effect on brain function, as it improves communication between brain cells and even increases the lifespan of brain cells. German scientists from the University of Ulm have also found that there is a connection between a lack of beta-carotene and Alzheimer’s.

74 study participants with mild dementia who were between 65 and 90 years old were compared with a control group of 158 healthy peers. The study revealed that the concentration of the two antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C in the blood of the subjects with dementia was significantly lower than that of the subjects in the control group.

The experts are certain that fruits like mango, which are very rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias because they protect the brain from aging processes.

In traditional Brazilian medicine, the mango has long been used to treat diseases (such as dementia) that are associated with oxidative stress, inflammation, and an acetylcholine deficiency in the brain. Acetylcholine is a messenger substance involved in learning and memory processes. According to Brazilian researchers, mango is an ideal anti-dementia fruit because of its antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase properties.

Cholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down excess acetylcholine in dementia, leading to an acetylcholine deficiency. Therefore, some dementia drugs inhibit cholinesterase in order to avoid or at least reduce the impending acetylcholine deficiency. In addition to the beta-carotene, the bioactive secondary plant substances contained in the mango are also assigned an essential role.

The phytochemicals in the mango

Blossoms, leaves, bark, fruit, peel, or seeds: All parts of the mango tree are very rich in secondary plant substances. In addition to the above-mentioned carotenoids, these include in particular substances from the group of polyphenols, primarily mangiferin, catechins, quercetin, kaempferol, anthocyanins as well as gallic acid and ellagic acid, and many other medicinally valuable substances.

A team of researchers from Jiangnan University in China took a close look at mango polyphenols and their beneficial properties. They first investigated in which parts of the mango the individual secondary plant substances are primarily found: Gallic acid sets the tone in the fruit, mangiferin is the main component in the leaves and bark, and ellagic acid is primarily found in the fruit peel. The mango kernel, on the other hand, is particularly rich in tannins and surpasses many other fruit kernels in terms of its polyphenol content.

The scientists stated that polyphenols have an antioxidant effect, which in turn protects the body’s cells from oxidative stress and DNA damage and thus protects us from numerous degenerative diseases such as e.g. B. arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer.

What was particularly revealing, however, was the realization that the phytochemicals in the mango work together harmoniously and that isolated substances are by far not as effective as the natural mixture.

The mangiferin of the mango – an active ingredient for all cases

Mangiferin is often regarded as the main active ingredient in the mango tree and has therefore been researched particularly intensively. The powerful antioxidant has the following properties:

  • antimicrobial and antiviral
  • anti-inflammatory
  • pain-relieving
  • antidiabetic
  • antisclerotic
  • Cardio-, hepato-, and neuroprotective (i.e. protects the heart, liver, and nerve cells)
  • memory enhancing
  • antidepressant
  • antiallergic

In the countries where the evergreen mango tree is native, numerous traditional medicines are made from its components. Since mangiferin can damage the skin i.a. protects against UV radiation, mango extracts are often used in the manufacture of cosmetic preparations.

In Cuba, a bark extract that is very rich in mangiferin is considered particularly popular. Since herbal medicines are often doubted and ridiculed by conventional medicine, this mango extract was examined in detail at the Universidad de La Habana for over ten years on the basis of more than 7,000 patients. As a result, the effectiveness in numerous ailments. Skin diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, prostatitis, digestive problems, and cancer have been confirmed.

In addition, a number of other studies – e.g. at the University of Pavia in Italy – showed that mangiferin prevents cancer and can help cure tumors in the lungs, prostate, cervix, and brain as well as leukemia. But here again, it was shown that mangiferin in combination with all the other active ingredients in mango has a significantly stronger effect than in isolated form.

The mango is a fat burner

As discussed above, the high fructose content of mangoes does not pose a problem for those who are overweight or diabetic. A laboratory study at Oklahoma State University has also shown that the regular consumption of mangoes strengthens the intestinal flora and can even lead to reduced body fat and blood sugar levels. This diet effect is u. attributed to the hormone leptin.

Leptin actually has the task of inhibiting the occurrence of feelings of hunger and thus plays an important role in regulating fat metabolism. This also works wonderfully for slim people, but this effect does not work for overweight people.

Most obese people have particularly high levels of leptin. Anyone who is constantly plagued by feelings of hunger is by no means deficient in leptin, but rather suffers from leptin resistance, which is associated with the overproduction of the hormone. As a result, leptin no longer works as it should. The mango counteracts this dysregulation because it is able to inhibit the production of the hormone in overweight.

The same research team conducted another mango study in 2014, involving 20 overweight subjects aged between 20 and 50. After eating 10 g of freeze-dried mango pulp, equivalent to half a fresh mango, daily for 12 weeks, no weight gain was observed. In addition, the blood sugar levels improved in the study participants.

According to a Swiss study published in 2017, the delicious-tasting mango not only has a positive effect on glucose metabolism but also on endothelial function (e.g. regulation of blood pressure) and microcirculation (blood flow in the smallest blood vessels), thus reducing the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Mango is not just mango

In 1979 only about 700 tons of mangoes were imported to Germany, now it is already over 50,000 tons. The aromatic tropical fruit has thus secured a place among the top 5 in the ranking of imported exotics and is available in practically every supermarket all year round.

Apart from the homeland of India, the fruits of the sumac plant in Europe now come from all over the world, e.g. B. from Thailand, Brazil, and South Africa, but also from Spain and Italy on the market. That is why the selection of mango varieties is constantly growing. They differ considerably in terms of size, shape, color, the structure of the flesh, and taste.

For example, the Indian Alphonso is plump, greenish-yellow in color with tender orange flesh, the Honduran lancetilla is oblong with a blood-red tinge and lemon-yellow flesh, while the Tommy Atkins mango from Florida has purple skin and fibrous flesh, and the wild mango is emerald Central Africa has bright green skin and bright yellow, melting flesh.

Pay attention to these criteria when buying mangoes

The degree of ripeness of a mango has a decisive influence on its enjoyment. If it is still unripe, if it is hard and inedible in its pure form, and if it is too ripe, it will ferment and rot. Incidentally, the color of the peel says nothing about the ripeness of a mango. A ripe mango smells intensely fruity and gives way even with light finger pressure.

When buying the mango, also make sure that it is organic. Mangoes are considered to be comparatively low in contamination – in 2015 the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) only found pesticide residues in a few mango samples – but the rate of excess levels is subject to fluctuations from year to year. Organic mangoes generally perform much better. The samples examined did not exceed a single maximum residue level.

Flying mangoes taste better

Although the mango has been known to Europeans for a long time, it wasn’t until the 21st century that it really took off. This is due to the fact that it is a very delicate fruit, resentful of even the slightest injury, and must be eaten within a few days when ripe.

Mangoes are now available in practically every supermarket all year round. Most mangoes are harvested unripe and come to Europe by sea from all over the world, where they are cultivated all year round. After spending about two weeks in the refrigerated container, they are still rock hard when they arrive and need to be ripened. The degree of ripeness is accelerated by gassing the fruit with the plant hormone ethylene.

Since artificially ripened mangoes lose their taste, experts recommend buying so-called “flying mangoes”. Although these are more expensive, they are harvested when fully ripe and transported to Europe within 36 hours.

Proper storage of mangoes

After harvesting, the long stalk of the mangoes is removed. But the base of the stem tells you the degree of ripeness. With ripe mangoes, the flesh is so turgid that the short remaining part of the stalk sticks out a little.

If you buy ripe mango, you should store it at room temperature and eat it within two days. Unripe fruits, on the other hand, are suitable for buying in advance. They ripen at home – also at room temperature. If you want to speed up the ripening process, you can wrap the fruit in a newspaper or place it next to an apple.

But beware of storing it in the fridge. This does not extend the shelf life of the mango but rather damages the fruit. At temperatures below 8 °C, the pulp loses its taste over time.

Nevertheless, you can freeze peeled and diced mangoes or mango puree for a short time to prepare a fine vegan mango ice cream without additives. The frozen pieces of fruit are simply mixed in a blender with a little lemon and ginger or on their own and served immediately.

Just eat the mango peel

Unlike in Europe, it is z. B. in Asian countries unusual to throw away valuable mango peel. It is often simply eaten. Of course, it is particularly important to use organic mangoes. Since there are urushiols in the shell, which can lead to skin irritation if you are sensitive, you should exercise caution the first time. If you simply don’t like the skin, peel the mango after washing it thoroughly with a vegetable peeler (or with a special mango knife).

That’s how you eat a mango

After peeling, cut the mango lengthwise with two parallel cuts – each on the side of the stone. This creates two halves that you can cut into fine strips or cubes, depending on the recipe. You can then use a sharp knife to remove the pulp that remains on the stone.

If the fruit is already quite ripe, the peeler is not so suitable. You can cut through the unpeeled mango and then scoop it out like a kiwi or conjure up a so-called “mango hedgehog”. To do this, simply score the flesh of the two halves crosswise without damaging the skin, creating a lattice pattern. If you then turn the mango halves inside out, the mango cubes can be picked off directly with your teeth. Of course, you can also cut off the mango cubes with a knife or a spoon and process them further.

Recipes with mangoes

The mango is very versatile in the kitchen, so there are countless recipes with mangoes. Whether sweet or savory, the mango goes with almost everything.

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Written by Micah Stanley

Hi, I'm Micah. I am a creative Expert Freelance Dietitian Nutritionist with years of experience in counseling, recipe creation, nutrition, and content writing, product development.

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