
What Foods Lower Blood Pressure: What You Can and Cannot Eat with Hypertension


If you are systematically bothered by high blood pressure, it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek the advice of a doctor. It is he who can determine how serious it is and whether to prescribe medication.

However, if the doctor determines that there are no serious abnormalities in your body, then you should think about what could have caused high blood pressure.

What are the causes of high blood pressure?

People tend to believe that high blood pressure can mostly be inherited. Therefore, if there was no one in the family with hypertension, there is a risk of relaxing and forgetting about a number of other important factors that can lead to such a problem.

In particular, blood pressure can rise due to thyroid, kidney, and heart disease. The problem can also be caused by a sedentary lifestyle (yes, it’s worth remembering how much time we spend sitting and how little we move), poor nutrition, being overweight, smoking, and alcohol abuse.

If your blood pressure rises due to an illness, you should definitely see a doctor, and he or she will tell you whether you need to take any medications and what kind.

However, if your blood pressure rises not because of heredity or illness, but because of the above-mentioned bad habits or immobility, then you just need to adjust your lifestyle. And after a while, your blood pressure may return to normal.

High blood pressure can lead to a number of serious problems:

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke,
  • Kidney failure,
  • Impaired vision,
  • Memory impairment,
  • Premature aging.

What foods lower blood pressure

  • Citrus fruits, cabbage, currants (rich in vitamin C),
  • Walnuts, sunflower oil, olives (rich in vitamin E),
  • Bananas, zucchini, potatoes (rich in potassium),
  • Dairy products (rich in calcium),
  • Fatty fish (rich in Omega-3).

What not to eat with high blood pressure

The main rule to follow in order to lower blood pressure and prevent this problem from bothering you all the time is to reduce salt intake. This amount should not exceed 1 teaspoon per day.

However, you should also not overdo it with “reforming your diet”. If you suddenly thought that since salt is so harmful, why not give it up completely, it is better to forget about this idea. Your body needs salt but in a limited small amount. If you give it up completely, a person may have low blood pressure, which is also not good.

Can I drink coffee with high blood pressure?

This question has definitely been asked by everyone who has ever faced the problem of high blood pressure. Scientists have been arguing about the effect of coffee on blood pressure for many years, and there is still no definitive answer. Therefore, if you have high blood pressure, it is better not to abuse coffee, but to drink it in moderation and not strongly. And in each case, you need to monitor how the coffee you drink affects your body.

Also, if you have high blood pressure, you should not drink too much water or other beverages – this can be harmful and result in edema.

In any case, only a doctor can determine what caused high blood pressure. Therefore, if you are concerned about such a problem, it is better to consult a doctor first. If no pathologies are found, then you can try to lower your blood pressure by improving your lifestyle and changing your diet.

Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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