
Orange Oil: The Ingenious Effect Of The Essential Oil

Orange oil is actually mostly a waste product that occurs when orange juice is extracted. The oil is considered a popular remedy in natural medicine. Here you will find all the information and tips for use.

Orange oil is obtained from the peel of oranges. A distinction is made between the oil of sweet oranges (Latin expression: Citrus sinensis) and bitter orange or sour orange oil, which is mainly made from Spanish and Sicilian fruits. The sweet orange oil is by far the more common essence.

Components of the orange peel

The peel of the orange not only contains a large amount of essential oils, but also vitamin C. The oil obtained from it can be used for a whole range of ailments. Orange oil consists of 95 percent of the natural substance limonene. It also contains geraniol, linalool, citral, vitamin C, terpineol and citronellal. In addition, aldehydes such as octanal, decanal, sinensal, octyl and neryl acetate are found in the peel of the popular citrus fruit. Octyl and neryl acetate characterize the orange aroma.

How to apply orange oil

How you consume orange oil depends primarily on the intended use. It can be taken orally – this helps with stomach problems, for example. Simply mix two to three drops of oil with a spoonful of honey. You can put a few drops in your tea to combat colds and strengthen your immune system.

For gingivitis, you can massage a few drops of orange peel oil into the inflamed area or mix a few drops in mouthwash. A drop massaged into the temples is said to relieve headaches. For skin care, you can also mix orange oil into your cream or your finished care products. For this, products without additional fragrances are preferable. For hair care, simply mix a few squirts into your hair tonic. If you have tension or sore muscles, you can rely on massages. The product is also suitable for foot baths.

Orange oil can also be used in scented candles and has a relaxing effect. The essence of the orange peel is not only good for your body, but also for your home: A few drops of oil in the cleaning water not only ensure a pleasantly fresh scent in the room, but also help to remove grease splashes.

Where can you get orange peel oil?

You can buy orange oil in pharmacies, in well-stocked supermarkets and drugstores, in health food stores and online. But you can also just make it yourself.

Make orange oil yourself – this is how it works

The production of orange oil is relatively simple – either by cold pressing or by alcohol or oil extraction. For the second option, you primarily need lots of oranges (preferably organic) – but also a bottle of vodka or oil (e.g. olive oil).

That’s how it’s done:

  • First, remove the peel from the pulp
  • Remove the white layer (called albedo) on the shell as completely as possible
  • Let the orange peel dry – at least five, preferably ten days
  • Crumble the dried pieces and place in a sealable jar
  • Then fill the glass with oil or vodka (it really doesn’t have to be a fine drop – a cheap vodka from the supermarket will do just fine)
  • Important: The bowls must be completely covered by the vodka or oil
  • Seal the jar and leave in a dark and cool place for a few days
  • Shake once a day (you will notice the liquid turning orange over time)
  • Give the mixture at least a week
  • Then skim off the orange peel
  • The essential oils have meanwhile passed into the alcohol or the oil
  • If you want to get rid of most of the alcohol, open the jar and place a cloth over it. Then leave it in a place where it can get enough air. This allows the alcohol to evaporate from the oil
  • When the smell of alcohol is gone, pour the oil into a new jar
  • Your homemade orange oil is ready

With cold pressing, you put the grated pieces of zest in a sieve and press out the zest. The collected liquid is filtered and filled into a dark bottle. Leave this for two days and give the oil time to separate from the water. Finally, the oil can be taken up with a syringe and filled into another glass.

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Written by Kristen Cook

I am a recipe writer, developer and food stylist with almost over 5 years of experience after completing the three term diploma at Leiths School of Food and Wine in 2015.

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