Science is not unanimous about soy products. Some scientists have no doubt about its health benefits and attribute to it such miraculous properties as the ability to prevent breast cancer, lower cholesterol, and counteract female age-related changes. Others authoritatively declare that soy has nothing to do with these strange phenomena and that the product itself is, if not harmful to health, at least useless.
It’s unlikely to be possible to answer the reasonable question of whether soy is good or bad for you, but it’s quite possible to give arguments for and against the presence of soy products in your diet.
About the benefits of soy
The ability to lower blood cholesterol levels is a property of soybeans that all scientists agree exists. However, to achieve the desired effect, the amount of soy vegetable protein in food should be quite high – about 25 g per day. The best way to do this is to buy soy protein powder and add it to skim milk or oatmeal.
Eating soybeans helps to lose weight and normalize weight. Soybeans contain lecithin, which is involved in fat metabolism and also promotes fat burning in the liver.
Soy protein helps women during menopause, in particular, osteoporosis and hot flashes.
Prevention of breast cancer – soy isoflavones, which were mentioned earlier, serve this purpose. They lengthen the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, reduce the number of hormonal releases into the bloodstream, which reduces the risk of the disease.
Soy is an ideal source of protein. The amount of protein in soybeans is about 40%, and soy protein is almost as good as animal protein in its structure. Not to mention vegetarians, soy protein is indispensable for people suffering from food allergies to animal protein and lactose intolerance. In addition, soybeans have a nutritional value of vitamins B and E and various trace elements.
About the dangers of soybeans
Soybeans have many contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended to consume soy products for children. Isoflavones contained in soy have a negative impact on the developing endocrine system, which can lead to a risk of thyroid disease. Also, soy products stimulate early puberty in girls and inhibit it in boys. Soy is also contraindicated in diseases of the endocrine system and urolithiasis.
Eating soy during pregnancy is also contraindicated. The reason is the high content of hormone-like compounds.
Some studies suggest that the presence of soy in the diet can lead to a decrease in weight and brain volume.
Another controversial fact about soy is that, according to some studies, soy accelerates the aging process in the body and can lead to cerebral circulation disorders. Phytoestrogens contained in soybeans are blamed for this, as they seem to inhibit the growth of brain cells. Oddly enough, it is these phytoestrogens that are recommended for women over 30 to slow down the aging process.
Despite the fact that soybeans are significantly superior to other legumes in terms of their nutritional value and, in particular, protein content, soy contains a special enzyme that inhibits the activity of proteins and enzymes involved in their assimilation. This does not mean that soybeans are inherently harmful, but it does suggest that soybeans are not as healthy and their nutritional value is significantly lower than is commonly believed.
As we can see, there is no single position of scientists on whether soy is harmful or useful.
However, in most cases, it is not the soybeans themselves or the enzymes they contain that are harmful to health, but a number of factors.
First, is the place of cultivation. Soybeans, like a sponge, are able to absorb all the harmful substances contained in the soil. In short, if soybeans are grown in places with unfavorable environmental conditions, there will be no benefit from such a product.
Secondly, genetic engineering. The share of genetically modified, and therefore unnatural, soybeans on the market is quite large. What benefit can we talk about if the production method is unnatural, contrary to the laws of nature? It is not always possible to distinguish GM soy from natural soy: government control over the sale of genetically modified products leaves much to be desired, and not every package containing such products contains truthful information.
Thirdly, the massive use of soy in unhealthy products, such as sausages, frankfurters, etc. In this situation, it is the product itself, which is half made up of dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, and various flavor and aroma additives, that is harmful, not the soybeans that are part of it. And soybeans, of course, do not add any benefit to such a product.
How to eat soybeans
There is a wide variety of soy products on the market. The most popular are minced soybeans and meat, milk, and cheese, as well as soy supplements with pure isoflavone.
Food supplements with soy are not recommended because they are highly concentrated, and their use can be dangerous if tumor processes develop in the body.
You should not eat sausages and sausages either – they are harmful and useless, regardless of whether they contain soy or not.
It is better to give preference to natural products – soy meat, soy cheese, and milk.
For example, tofu, the famous soy cheese, is a protein-rich, healthy, dietary product. The kilocalorie content per 100 grams of the product will fit into any weight loss program – it is only 60 kcal.
Remember that in any matter, including the issue of soybeans, you need to be reasonable. You can replace frankly harmful foods or those that do not meet your vegetarian beliefs (for example, meat) with soybeans, but you should not pounce on this product with the fanaticism often inherent in supporters of a healthy lifestyle and consume it daily.
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