
What Do Vegans Eat?

No meat, no eggs, but also no beer? What can vegans actually eat and drink? PraxisVITA explains the difference between vegetarians and vegans and reveals which foods contain animal components.

Animal transport, factory farming, climate change – there are countless reasons why people choose to live as vegans. According to estimates, around 0.1 percent of the population in Germany identifies themselves as vegan. But what does it actually mean to be vegan? Is it enough to do without ham and cheese or is there much more to a vegan lifestyle?

Unlike vegetarians, vegans not only avoid meat products, but also all foods that are made from animals or are related to animal husbandry. These include, for example, cheese, honey, or eggs. But that’s not all: clothing associated with animal husbandry or animal cruelty is also rejected, such as down jackets and coats with fur trimmings.

Hidden animal components in food

Some glues and glues used to glue shoe soles contain processed offal (bones, skin) or casein (milk protein).

Animal products are also hidden in food:

  • Wine: Treated primarily with gelatin, fish bladder, or chicken egg white.
  • Beer: So that the beer does not become cloudy, fish bladders are often used here as well. This binds yeast particles to itself, giving the beer a clear color.
  • Chocolate: Shellac can be used for the shine of chocolate. This arises from the excretions of the Asian lacquer scale insect.

Do Vegans Need Supplements?

Vegans must therefore be very careful when choosing their food. Compared to people who do not avoid certain foods, they only have a limited selection of products at their disposal. The trade now offers a wealth of vegan foods, but according to nutrition experts, these cannot cover all the vitamin and nutrient requirements that a person needs.

So how important are dietary supplements for vegans? According to the German Society for Nutrition, vegans should pay particular attention to an adequate supply of vitamin B12. This occurs in animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk) and cannot be produced by the body on its own. Vegans should therefore take vitamin B12 supplements in consultation with their doctor to prevent a deficiency. Some manufacturers also offer dental care products that are enriched with vitamin B12 and are absorbed by the body through the oral mucosa. Symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency include fatigue, anemia, and numbness.

However, vegans cannot only put themselves at risk with their diet. Pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers who do not eat animal foods risk permanent damage to their children. Several studies have shown that infants suffered impairments because their mothers had eaten vegan – during pregnancy or breastfeeding. According to doctors, possible complaints that can arise as a result of a vegan lifestyle for a mother include:

  • Blood formation disorders (iron and vitamin B12 deficiency
  • growth retardation
  • irreversible neurological disorders

Are vegans healthier?

If you want to go vegan, you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor or nutritionist. According to experts, those who proceed slowly with the change in diet and do not radically change their lifestyle overnight have the best chance of persevering in the long term. He can also benefit from the immense advantages of a meat-free diet. Experts have found, for example, that switching to a vegan diet can help shed pounds. Study participants lost more weight than on any other diet. In addition, a vegan lifestyle is said to prevent a variety of diseases associated with being overweight: diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases. According to experts, it is not clear whether the advantages or disadvantages of a vegan lifestyle outweigh the disadvantages.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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