
מאַכן וואַסער אייז זיך: געשמאַק און פּשוט דיי רעצעפּט

Making ice cream yourself is very easy with this DIY recipe. This is how the low-calorie ice cream variant is made.

Water ice offers an ideal and low-calorie refreshment in hot temperatures. The best thing about it is: Water ice is quick and easy to make yourself and you don’t need an ice cream maker, just your freezer. How it works

Why make ice cream yourself?

Self-made water ice is free of chemical additives. You can also determine the sugar content yourself or use an alternative sweetener. This means that homemade ice cream is healthier and has fewer calories than the store-bought version.

Water Ice Recipe

To make the DIY popsicle all you need is fruit, water, and a sweetener. Any fruit is suitable for DIY water ice cream. For it to taste good, however, you should pay attention to the right ratio between the three ingredients.

Ingredients for homemade ice cream

For 8 water ice servings you need:

  • 150 מל פון וואַסער
  • 200 g fresh or frozen fruit of your choice (e.g. mango, strawberries, or raspberries)
  • Optional: some sugar or an alternative sweetener (e.g. honey)
  • You also need 8 water ice containers

Preparation of the low-calorie water ice variant

  1. If you use fresh fruit, wash it first and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Then mix the fresh fruit or the frozen fruit with the water and sugar.
  3. Puree with a blender or stand mixer until everything is a homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour the mixture into the water ice molds and place in the freezer for at least four hours.

Need some extra inspiration? Then try this rainbow popsicle.

Make water ice yourself: These tips will help

  • Warm water for faster mold release: Before consuming, hold the water ice mold under warm water for about a minute. In this way, the self-made popsicles can easily be removed from the container.
  • Yogurt cups as containers: If you don’t have a water ice mold at hand, you can also use empty yogurt or cream cups. Important: After about an hour in the freezer, insert a wooden stick into the ice.
  • Remove the pits from berries: If you use berries, you should remove the pits first. Simply press the pureed fruit through a sieve.
  • Whole fruits for more aroma and as an eye-catcher: For a more intense taste and also for the eye, you can put some fruits directly into the mold and pour the fruit cream over them.
  • Do not refreeze water ice: If the ice has already thawed, it must not be refrozen.
  • Use honey instead of sugar: To make the popsicle healthier, try using honey or another alternative sweetener.

If you follow these tips, it is very easy to make ice cream yourself. Enjoy your meal!

אַוואַטאַר פאָטאָ

געשריבן דורך מיאַ ליין

איך בין אַ פאַכמאַן שעף, עסנוואַרג שרייַבער, רעצעפּט דעוועלאָפּער, פלייַסיק רעדאַקטאָר און אינהאַלט פּראָדוצירער. איך אַרבעט מיט נאציאנאלע בראַנדז, מענטשן און קליין געשעפטן צו שאַפֿן און פֿאַרבעסערן געשריבן קאַלאַטעראַל. פון דעוועלאָפּינג נישע רעסאַפּיז פֿאַר גלוטען-פריי און וועגאַן באַנאַנע קיכלעך, צו פאָטאָגראַפינג פּאַזראָניש כאָוממייד סאַנדוויטשיז, צו מאַכן אַ העכסט-ראַנגקט ווי-צו פירן צו פאַרבייַטן עגגס אין בייקט סכוירע, איך אַרבעט אין אַלע זאכן עסנוואַרג.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן

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