
ניצן די קאַן אָפּענער ריכטיק - אַזוי עס אַרבעט

Use a simple can opener

There are very simple can openers that resemble a knife or scissors with their tips.

  • First, carefully carve this tip into a groove on the edge of the can lid. Hold the can in the middle so that it cannot slip away. You can also gently place the tip on the rim and then use some force to push the tip in.
  • It is important that you get a hole in the lid in which the tip of the can opener is located. The lid should not be damaged further.
  • Now lower the tip into the metal of the lid while squeezing the handle of the can opener like a lever.
  • Slowly and carefully rotate the can while cutting more holes in the edge of the can with the tip. You do this by raising and lowering the tip as you pull the can opener like a lever.
  • You can now either cut only half of the lid and then carefully fold it up with a fork or a spoon.
  • Or you cut open almost the entire lid and then open it as well. It is best to focus on when you can easily get the content out.
  • You can also cut the lid all the way open, but then it will fall into the can. When fishing out afterward, there is also a great risk of injury, since the cut edges are very sharp. Therefore, use a fork or a spoon as an aid in this case as well.

Use larger can openers correctly

Even if you use larger can openers, you must first find a suitable groove in the rim in which to place the can opener.

  • Instead of tips, these can openers have little wheels that you press into the metal rim. They look like gears. Hold the can in the middle.
  • The can should stand on a stable surface, as you no longer hold it or only loosely hold it while opening.
  • The normal can opener is similar to pliers. You first open the handles, place the pointed wheel on the can groove and press the handles together again.
  • If the sharp wheel engages audibly, there is a hole in the can lid. Now, leaving the wheel in place, keeping the handles firmly closed, turn the lever on the outside of the can opener.
  • The can rotates by itself while the wheel cuts more holes in the lid. If it slips out in the meantime, simply put it back on at the last hole.
  • As with the basic can opener, it’s best to stop when the lid still has some grip on the can. This makes it easier for you to open it.

Tips for electric can openers

If you want to use electric can openers, you have different models to choose from. Here it is important that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for correct operation.

  • There are models that you only need to put on the can lid. Then press a button while the lid is automatically cut open.
  • There are variants that you don’t even have to hold on to. Some only cut open the lid, which you then have to remove yourself, while others lift the lid off at the same time.
  • Larger, multi-function electric can openers grip the can itself. A sharp wheel is pushed in that, like a normal can opener, cuts open the lid step by step.
  • Electric manual can openers also work according to this principle, except that the can is placed on a surface. You also have to hold the can opener while opening it.
אַוואַטאַר פאָטאָ

געשריבן דורך יוחנן מיערס

פאַכמאַן שעף מיט 25 יאָר פון ינדאַסטרי דערפאַרונג אויף די העכסטן לעוועלס. רעסטאָראַן באַזיצער. בעוועראַגע דירעקטאָר מיט דערפאַרונג קריייטינג וועלט-קלאַס נאציאנאל דערקענט קאָקטייל מגילה. פוד שרייבער מיט אַ אָפּשיידנדיק שעף-געטריבן קול און פונט פון מיינונג.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן

אייער בליצפּאָסט אַדרעס וועט ניט זיין ארויס. פארלאנגט פעלדער זענען אנגעצייכנט *

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גענומען אַנטיביאַטיקס מיט מילך: עס איז אַ ריזיקירן דאָ