How to Clean the Drain with Home Remedies: the Best Tips to Eliminate Sink Clogs

Drain cleaning is a procedure that every homeowner faces from time to time when the sink in the kitchen or bathroom becomes clogged. Read the tips and advice on how to clear a clog in the drain in this material.

How to clear a sink drain

When the sink drain is clogged, there are a lot of inconveniences and this problem must be solved quickly, without waiting for the arrival of a plumber. There are several methods you can use to remove the clog in the sink with improvised means.

Cleaning the siphon in the sink can be a chemical method. You can buy special products in hardware stores: acids, alkalis, powders, gels, and liquids. To remove the clog, they are poured into the sink for about half an hour and then washed off with a large amount of hot water.

To clean the drain with home remedies, there are also mechanical methods. To eliminate simple clogs you can use a plunger – it is in almost every home. To solve the problem with stagnant fluid, the sink must be filled to one-third with hot water and begin to actively work the plunger, thus creating the necessary pressure. To eliminate a deep blockage, the owner will need a plumber’s rope. It is a few meters long: on one side it has a handle, and on the other side – the nozzle of a pico shape, which should pierce the formed plug in the sink.

There are also many folkways to clean the drain with home remedies. There are several good methods for dealing with clogs in sinks that have proven themselves:

  • To clean clogged pipes, you can pour boiling water into them – light grease clogs will be removed.
  • Often for cleaning the drain use a strong salt solution, which should be poured into the sink, and then work all the same plunger.
  • Cleaning the sink in the bathroom effectively helps with caustic soda. It should be poured into the riser in a small amount, add boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse again with plenty of water.
  • You can also clean the clog in the riser with baking soda and vinegar. You need to pour a few spoons of baking soda into the forgotten drain, add a little boiling water, and then pour the solution with a glass of vinegar. When the chemical reaction passes (you will not hear a hiss and stop the bubbles), the riser must be “flushed” with hot water.

How to Avoid Clogging Problems in a Sink

It’s important to understand and remember that the best way to avoid having to clean a clog in the riser is to prevent the drain from getting dirty. Therefore, you should not pour oil and grease down the sink, nor should you throw food scraps, hair, and other debris down there. It is necessary to flush the pipes with boiling water every week as a preventive measure and to install special safety nets in the sinks on the drains.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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