How to Name a Puppy Funny: A Selection of Original Nicknames

Whether you’ve become parents of a small dog or are just thinking about adding to the family, in both cases, you’re probably pondering what would be a fun way to name a puppy.

Don’t be guided by trendy nicknames, because the fashion for pet names changes quickly – just like with the styles of jeans or the colors of the season. There’s a chance that a name that’s popular today will soon get boring. And chances are you’ll run into your pet’s namesake outdoors.

Take inspiration from your interaction with your pet. Distinctive character traits, funny habits, and coat coloring – all this can help you solve the problem of how to originally name a dog, and choose the perfect name for the pet.

We have collected funny and amusing options on how you can call a dog in a funny way – a girl or a boy. Maybe you’ll like one of our options.

How to name a dog originally – a selection of unusual nicknames

Names for Girls: Aya, Aiva, Barbie, Gulia, Diva, Dory, Melon, Kisa, Koko, Lilo, Lluna, Lyalya, Mercy, Mimi, Mona, Monetka, Moha, Norka, Bullet, Pushinka, Soot, Salt, Arrow, Rada, Tyapa, Tsatsa, Tsypa, Fiji, Chacha, Chili, Shokko, Yushka.

Names for boy dogs: Admiral, Buddy, Bunny, Bach, Bo, Wzhik, Woody, Dean, Doodle, Jorik, Ziggy, Iggy, Yosya, Laik, Luchik, Mem, Noah, Pepper, Potap, Putch, Butchok, Smart, Toy, Toto, Turbo, Fanny, Zucat, Chizh, Chups, Shrek, Schmech, Shocker.

How to choose a name for your dog – useful tips

Options for interesting and funny nicknames for animals are a great many, but some tips will help to significantly narrow down the search for that very name.

It is not enough that the name of the dog is funny, the name of the pet must meet certain criteria. Experts advise choosing short names of one or two syllables – they are easier to remember and to them, dogs respond better.

It is not advised to choose a common word or command as a name, as it can confuse the dog. If you prefer a long and complicated name, think of a short form that will affectionately call your fluffy partner.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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