You’ll Bring Trouble and Disease: 5 Plants That You Can’t Keep in the Apartment

It is believed that flowers in the house should be a must – they not only delight the eye and raise the mood, but also contribute to the exchange of oxygen. In apartments where there are plants, it is easier to breathe and sleep better, but not always – some representatives of flora are not safe.

They can not be kept at home – plants that bring sorrow into the house

According to esotericists, there are only five types of flowers, from which it is better to give up, if you do not want to live in poverty and constantly be sick:

  • Ficus – considered a “widow’s” flower and attracts health problems;
  • Ivy is an energy vampire plant that not only “pulls” your vitality, but also pushes men into adultery;
  • Sansevieria is a plant that destroys family happiness and causes conflicts between household members;
  • calla – attracts sadness and even death (some people bring calla lilies to the cemetery);
  • Diffenbahia – not only can poison the human body with its sap, but also deplete the human psyche on an energetic level.

Plants from the above list only at first glance seem harmless – refuse their presence in your home if your physical and mental health is valuable to you.

What flowers to keep at home for happiness – choose correctly

In addition to forbidden plants, there are also allowed – flowers that have a positive effect on people’s health and even contribute to enrichment. If you want to attract love, positive experiences, and changes in your life, buy:

  • Geranium – gives you self-confidence, and good luck in business and helps build relationships between people;
  • violet – it opens sexual potential, improves mood, and helps to keep the faithfulness of spouses;
  • spirillum – gives happiness in personal life to single women, and improves the mental connection between lovers.

Also, positive plants and good energy are considered room chrysanthemums, cyclamen, Chinese roses, and sagebrush. Perhaps the care of some of these representatives of flora will seem difficult to you, but in return, you will get well-being, good health, and family happiness.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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