
Celery: The Power Of The Underrated Vegetable

The traditional soup vegetable celery can do much more than you think. But not everyone likes this spicy vegetable, although it contains many valuable nutrients. For example vitamins B1, B2, B6, K, and C. Would you like to learn more about preparation, effects, and recipes? The expert dr. Malte Rubach answered some of our questions about celery. He works as a nutritionist, speaker, and author (e.g. “The 30 best tips for your diet – think first, then eat – mindful eating”).

What is celery?

“Celery is a classic vegetable in the Umbelliferae family. This also includes carrots and fennel,” says Dr. Malte Rubach. From the 8th century, the plant was grown in medicinal and not in the vegetable garden – only from the 19th century was it mainly used as a vegetable. The original home of celery? The Mediterranean.

There are perennial, cut, and tuber celery. However, these are not all in season all year round. All year round there is only celeriac. Celery and cut celery, on the other hand, are only available from May to September. “The nice thing about celery is that you can use the whole plant, the bulb, and the stalk. Both add flavor to soups and vegetable dishes,” says Rubach.

5 quick facts about celery

  • Calms an irritated stomach – thanks to the essential oils and bitter substances it contains.
  • Has an antibacterial effect – the essential mustard oils contained can, for example, render viruses, bacteria, or fungi harmless.
  • Has a draining effect – the ancient Romans already trusted in its diuretic effect.
  • Helps with flatulence – with a tea made from fresh, boiled celery pieces.
  • Stimulates digestion – the bitter substances in celery stimulate digestion and activate the digestive juices and enzymes in the liver, bile, and pancreas.

What are the effects of celery on health?

dr Rubach explains: “As part of a balanced diet, celery is a good source of some B vitamins, and minerals and contains antioxidants called flavonoids.” In addition, there is a lot of dietary fiber in celeriac – so it is an extremely healthy plant. The essential oils it contains to give the vegetables their characteristic taste and digestibility. These can also dehydrate and stimulate the metabolism.

Scientists were able to find out that the balance between blood fat and blood sugar levels can be better maintained with celery. According to researchers, the ingredients in the vegetable also have an antioxidant effect and can thus protect the body’s cells from harmful free radicals.

It’s amazing: Just a single cup of chopped celery contains the following nutrients at (only!) 16 calories and zero fat:

  • 5 grams of dietary fiber
  • 5 mg vitamin K
  • 36 mg folic acid
  • 22 mg vitamin A
  • 40 mg calcium
  • 263 mg of potassium

In addition, there is also plenty of vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, and C. “However, nobody gets healthy or sick from consuming or not consuming celery alone,” explains Malte Rubach. Everyone should pay attention to a balanced diet, this is the only way to lead a healthy lifestyle. In case of illness, a doctor should always be consulted. “There is no condition that eating celery alone can cure, but as part of a plant-based diet, it can help provide all of the essential nutrients,” says Rubach.

Can Celery Help You Lose Weight?

Celery is probably one of the lowest-calorie vegetables overall and also contains no fat. But celeriac can also be seen as a figure-flatterer, its calorie and fat values ​​are only slightly higher. Nevertheless: “Celery alone can do little to help you lose weight,” says Rubach. “But you can conjure up tasty vegetable dishes with it. Anyone who follows a plant-based diet and incorporates as much unprocessed food as possible usually automatically eats fewer calories. That naturally helps with weight loss.”

Celery: purchasing, preparation, storage

In the supermarket or at the market, consumers are often faced with the following question: How do you recognize fresh celery? The vegetables should be intensely green. For celery stalks, make sure the stalks are firm and crisp – not soft and mushy.

“The tuber keeps for a few days, the perennial should be processed as fresh as possible. The typical smell should be fully pronounced, then the optimal time for recycling is indicated,” says the expert. All you have to do with celery is wash it, shake it dry, remove the threads if necessary and cut the stalks into thin slices. Don’t throw away the tender celery leaves! Washed, you can use them like fresh herbs.

Celeriac is a little more complicated to prepare, not only because of its hard consistency (tip: use a large knife): Clean, peel, wash, and, depending on the recipe, cut into cubes or strips. The following applies to all types of celery: generously remove all brown or rotten spots!

You can boil, stew, stew, and even fry celery. It is also perfect in vegetable juices or smoothies. “The complex mixture of aromas, flavors, and nutrients is always in the ideal mix in the whole tuber or perennial,” says Rubach. It is best to store the vegetables in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator. “Or in the pantry, as long as it’s cool and dry,” says the nutritionist. This keeps the celery fresh and the valuable nutrients are preserved.

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Written by Danielle Moore

So you landed on my profile. Come on in! I am an award-winning chef, recipe developer, and content creator, with a degree in social media management and personal nutrition. My passion is creating original content, including cookbooks, recipes, food styling, campaigns, and creative bits to help brands and entrepreneurs find their unique voice and visual style. My background in the food industry allows me to be able to create original and innovative recipes.

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