Crispy Muffins
The perfect crispy muffins recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions.
Put in the day before
- 30 ml Rum
- 50 g Candied fruits mixed
- 50 g Raisins
for the dough
- 100 g Whole wheat flour
- 100 g Wheat flour type 550
- 1 packet Baking powder
- 100 g Butter
- 2 piece Eggs
- 100 g Sugar
- 10 piece Ground cinnamon blossoms
- 10 g Vanilla sugar
- 1 pinch Salt
- 0,5 piece Lemon untreated
- The juice and The war
- 150 g Ricotta
- 50 g Natural yoghurt
- 400 g Apple boskop
- Unpeeled cut into cubes
- 50 g Cornflakes
- 25 g Almonds in pens
- Cassis jam from my cookbook 🙂
- The day before, the raisins and candied fruits are placed in rum.
- Mix the butter and sugar until foamy, gradually add the eggs, a pinch of salt, the cinnamon blossoms, the lemon zest, the ricotta and the natural yoghurt.
- Mix the flour with the baking powder well and add a spoonful to the dough. Mix everything well.
- Wash the apples well and cut them into small cubes “unpeeled”. Fold into the dough with the candied fruits and pour the finished dough into the muffin molds. Now the corn flakes and the pinched almonds are placed on the dough and everything is pressed against the dough and then put in the oven.
- The oven has now been preheated to 160 ° C circulating air. Bake the muffins for 20-25 minutes, turn off the stove and let the muffins sit in the oven for a few more minutes.
- Remove the muffins and let them cool on a wire rack.
- Put a spoonful of my cassis confiture and some powdered sugar on top of the still warm muffins.
- To celebrate the day there is of course a glass of crémant. Have fun baking and bon appétit;)!
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