
Doubtful Milk Quality

Milk is the unchanged udder secretion obtained from cows kept for milk production by milking once or several times a day. This is paragraph 2 of the valid milk regulation, which at the same time proves that the white liquid that is sold everywhere as milk is no longer milk at all!

Few people know real cow’s milk

Milk is at least “heat treated”, in most cases pasteurized or ultra-high temperature treated (UHT milk), and in some cases also sterilized (condensed milk). As a result, the majority of people in Germany have never drunk “real cow’s milk”.

Milk is such a delicate substance by nature that the one who created all the wonders of this earth thought carefully about how the milk had to get to the “end user” so that it would not lose its unique, life-giving quality.

It only retains this unique quality, it only guarantees optimal care for the baby if it is drunk at body temperature directly from where it was produced, i.e. from the breast or udder.

The fact that man wants to drink the cow’s milk but at the same time dislikes keeping a cow (due to lack of space or desire) and sucking the milk directly from her udder (presumably for aesthetic reasons) is odd enough in itself.

But if people then also develop highly complicated processes in order to be able to get milk anyway, to transport it over long distances, or to be able to store and process it for a long time and still believe that it would retain its unique, life-giving quality, then that is he made a mistake.

The milk that is for sale everywhere today has nothing to do with the milk that comes from the udder or the mother’s breast.

What happens to the milk…

… before it reaches the consumer? She will commonly today

  • milked by machine, then
  • subjected to unnatural cooling,
  • stored for a few days, then
  • heated,
  • homogenized,
  • reduced or adjusted in fat content,
  • pumped at high speed and high pressure through endless steel pipe systems,
  • chased through a bottling line and finally – as a meanwhile artificial product of human
  • ingenuity
  • in glass, but mostly filled in coated plastic bags.

Milking earlier and today

The majority of western city dwellers still associate idyllic images with the word “milking”: They imagine a romantic farm, pretty spotted cows in the meadow, and a steaming heap of manure in front of the spacious barn.

It is believed that a red-cheeked farmer sat down with his bucket and stool next to his cow Elsa and milked her. Elsa has a very sweet little calf that trips every day with its mother to a lush green pasture where it can romp around with its peers.

This idea is about as far removed from reality as Rumpelstiltskin, Mother Holle, the Seven Dwarfs, and King Thrushbeard put together.

At this point, the milk lover should finally say goodbye to the idea that commercially available milk products come from family farms. Dairy products have their origins in huge automated factories where thousands of dairy cows lead miserable, computer-controlled lives.

Milk production is probably the most unromantic affair of our age. However, whether romantic or not, it must be stated once and for all:

Of the meaning of a cow’s life

The purpose of cows is not to give milk to mankind! Cows don’t exist because they want to steal their own children from humans and then let them milk them until they drop.

Cows or cattle once lived in huge herds in forests and steppe regions. They filled their very own ecological niche in a harmonious balance of all living beings on this planet.

They turned leaves, herbs, and dry steppe grass into excellent fertilizer for the soil, and occasionally used their bodies to feed a family of predators.

However, the idea of a free-living wild cow has become so foreign to us today that such an animal – at least in Central Europe – would no longer have a chance of surviving. She would be caught immediately, locked up, and milked promptly.

The milking of the cows

Today, calloused farmers’ hands are no longer milking. Yes, there are actually no more peasants in the traditional sense.

The person who is in charge of often several thousand dairy cows in a dairy farm (formerly called stables) is called a production or plant manager and should have the title “Diploma agricultural engineer, specializing in animal production with a focus on cattle”.

Today milking machines milk. Milking by hand is not only strenuous and time-consuming but is also not welcomed at all by the health and veterinary authorities for reasons of hygiene.

With the milking machine, the twice-daily milking procedure for the cow turned into an unpleasant affair and, in the case of udder infections (which are commonplace in modern dairy cow husbandry), even very painful.

If you lead a layman into modern milking facilities, he will not know at first glance where he has ended up. He is in an artificially lit machine room dominated by steel and chrome, where doors can be opened and closed by remote control.

The smell of chemical disinfectants almost brings tears to the visitor’s eyes. He will not dream of the fact that a living mammal is kept here, an animal that belongs out in meadows and in forests.

Milkers have nothing in common with stable boys

The excerpt of a milking parlor description clearly shows that a milker needs to know how to operate machines, but not about cows. A milker is also not a milker, but an animal farmer specializing in cattle husbandry with a focus on milking”.

A milking machine milks several cows at the same time and typically takes 5 to 10 minutes per cow.

The milk is piped directly into a tank where it is cooled from body temperature (38 degrees) to between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius. This procedure seems quite normal to us in the age of ubiquitous cooling equipment. For milk, however, cooling means a significant reduction in quality.

First cooling causes damage to the protein structure

The milk is now stored for a minimum of a few hours, but a maximum of two days, until the tanker arrives from the dairy.

These mechanical loads (milking, then stirring machine) in combination with strong temperature changes (temperature drop of approx. 30° C) cause the first damage to the milk fat and milk protein structure.

Proteins take on a different structure – they denature, i.e. they are no longer in their natural form. Fats are broken down and oxidized – in other words, they go rancid!

The milk is now pumped into the tanker at top speed (30,000 liters per hour, that’s almost 10 liters per second) – and shaken well during transport to the dairy. Now the milk is processed further.

It is pumped again through numerous pipe systems. The outer shell (membrane) of their sensitive fat globules is damaged and free fat escapes. The prescribed permanent cooling increases this leakage of free fats. Free fats mean: The rancidity continues cheerfully.

Bacteria magnet milk

Under natural circumstances, milk never sees the light of day. It is drunk by the infant directly from its source.

However, if it comes into contact with light and air – completely contrary to its purpose – it must – as nature wants it to – be destroyed as quickly as possible, i.e. broken down by bacteria.

Milk is therefore a real magnet for microorganisms, including those that belong to the so-called pathogens. They multiply in the milk and compost it.

Depending on the type of microorganisms that settle, people either like the resulting product (sour milk) or they don’t like it (rotten/”tipped” milk).

However, the colonization of so-called pathogens cannot be recognized from taste. Milk is therefore heated as a precaution before it goes on sale.

Harmful microorganisms are to be destroyed in this way and the consumer’s risk of illness is reduced. The most feared of the diseases allegedly transmitted by raw milk.

However, the so-called “bad” microorganisms (e.g. putrefactive bacteria) often escape pasteurization, while the good ones (e.g. lactic acid bacteria) are destroyed. That’s why pasteurized milk – if left to stand for too long – rarely turns into sour milk.

Pasteurized sour milk often goes unnoticed

After pasteurization, the “bad” bacteria left in the milk, the putrefactive bacteria, multiply at an extremely high rate. Extreme because their natural opponents, the “good” bacteria, are now missing.

So the milk rots instead of turning sour, as was even desirable in the past. When milk goes sour, you can tell by the smell and taste immediately – but this is no longer the case with pasteurized milk.

You can drink it for a few more days before you vaguely realize that the good milk has long since tipped (actually rotted).

Temperature shocks

In nature, cow’s milk is never confronted with temperatures that are above or below the cow’s body temperature (approx. 38 degrees).

During food processing, however, the milk now experiences the opposite in addition to the cooling mentioned, namely heating to at least 72 degrees Celsius (during pasteurization) and to around 135 degrees Celsius during ultra-high heating (here the result is called “UHT milk”).

Lively breast milk

According to Dr. Max 0. Bruker

“By the way, due to the rich supply of bacteria in breast milk, it’s a lively affair”
However, these bacteria are not comparable to those that can colonize the milk after the milking process.

Bacteria that the infant drinks with breast milk are microorganisms that help it develop a strong immune system, they are microorganisms that colonize the infant’s body to live with it in symbiosis, i.e. in a community of mutual benefit. Pasteurized milk, on the other hand, is a lifeless thing. Rancid fats and putrefactive bacteria aren’t exactly what conveys vitality.

Pasteurization has nothing to do with cleanliness

Pasteurization was introduced to produce bacteria-free milk. However, the milk is not automatically clean. It’s just “just” heated. Milking parlors, milking machines, and the entire machinery of the dairies must of course be in an absolutely perfect hygienic condition.

So they are permanently cleaned with harsh detergents and provided with disinfectants containing chlorine and iodine. The residues of these agents are never removed from the milk!!

It can still contain other minute contaminants such as dust, cow hair, feces, tiny insects, and residues of paint and varnish that come from silo coatings (silo: large storage facility for fodder). These are pasteurized now, too, but they’re in!

Even salmonella can still be present. By the way: The tuberculosis pathogens, in whose honor Louis Pasteur invented the pasteurization process, are extremely resistant and occasionally survive pasteurization as well.

Antibiotics and other drug residues remain

Pasteurization leads to such far-reaching changes in the milk quality (chain reactions take place that damage and destroy the structure of the milk, the mineral weight is changed, etc.) that hopefully, nobody would think of changing the labeling on the milk pack (“Fresh whole milk “) could be meant seriously. This milk is pretty much anything but fresh anymore! However, the dairy industry is still allowed to write “fresh” on the packs. There were a number of lawsuits from consumer protection associations, but they were all dismissed.

“Temporary solution” for 70 years

In 1937, at the 11th World Milk Congress in Berlin, the head of the Bacteriological Institute of the Prussian Research and Testing Institute announced:

“In view of the tuberculosis diseases in cows, pasteurization is necessary until the conditions at the place of milk production meet hygienic requirements. Then raw milk supply should occur.”

Pasteurization was originally only an emergency and temporary solution! You must have forgotten that. Because despite spotlessly clean milk production facilities (= stalls), supposedly tuberculosis and typhus-free cow stocks, and intensive veterinary controls, pasteurization is compulsory throughout the EU today.

Is milk worse than sugar?

Rats, whose tooth decay process is said to be similar to that of human dentition, were divided into three experimental groups. The first was given ordinary rodent food – and thus an average of 1 hole in the tooth over the course of her life.

The second group received an all-sugar diet. The result was 5.5 holes.

The third group had an average of 9.5 holes after the same period, almost twice as many as the sugar group. Guess what this pitiful group got as their staple diet: pasteurized cow’s milk!

Ultra-high temperature and sterilization of milk

Pasteurized milk, therefore, contains rancid fats, denatured proteins, entire colonies of putrefactive and other bacteria, and at the same time has lost heat-sensitive vitamins and all enzymes.

Nevertheless, their taste (to the human sense of taste) remains unchanged for over a week (when unopened and continuously refrigerated).

However, in order to be able to store milk for longer, ultra-high heat treatment and sterilization were developed. UHT milk (= UHT milk) is heated to at least 135 °C for two to eight seconds; Unopened UHT milk can then be stored at room temperature for at least three months.

If milk is heated to 120 °C for half an hour, it is sterile, i.e. absolutely germ-free. Sterile milk can even be kept for six months at room temperature (e.g. condensed milk). Needless to say, the quality of the milk has not improved after these procedures.

homogenization of the milk

With the exception of some organic dairies, milk is routinely homogenized. In this process, it is subjected to such high pressure that the milk fat droplets, which would otherwise collect on the surface of the milk and form a lump of creamy butter in the bottle (which disturbs the consumer), are broken up into tiny particles.

Is homogenized milk as harmful as cigarettes?

The lump is gone now, but the particles of milk fat are now so tiny that they can pass through the intestinal wall, enter the bloodstream, and trigger reactions in the body called allergies!

The consumption of homogenized milk contains a twenty times higher risk of triggering an allergy than untreated milk. With the fine fat particles, an enzyme (xanthine oxidase) migrates from the milk into the bloodstream, which is able to clog arteries and thus cause high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis (= hardening of the arteries).

In the mid-1980s, a group of American doctors, therefore, demanded the introduction of a warning on the packaging of homogenized milk, which should be similar in content to that on cigarette packs.

Toxic tit for tat

Conventional dairy cows are now fed an inexpensive ready-mixed feed instead of grass or hay. For financial reasons, imports from third-world countries have “proved their worth”. The use of pesticides (which have long been banned here) is the order of the day there.

Pharmaceutical multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, the USA, and other industrial nations export these poisons profitably to poor countries. Nobody there knows how toxic the promisingly labeled contents of the canisters are.

Insecticides and herbicides are used generously in the cultivation of animal feed (corn, soybeans). We get our own “toxic waste” back through the feed and finally through milk and meat products.

Since the toxins accumulate in the animal, meat contains on average 14 times more pesticides than plant foods, while dairy products still contain 5.5 times as much.

There is a so-called Maximum Quantity Ordinance for milk, in which around 300 (!) different toxins are listed, the presence of which milk should actually be constantly checked.

However, the reality is that the state milk control agencies do not even examine the milk for a hundred of the officially known toxins. No thought is wasted on poisons not yet registered.

Iodized milk

Because modern dairy cows are bred with huge udders that must produce tons of milk each year, the udder tissues and mammary glands are overwhelmed. The cow-hostile milking machinery also contributes to the fact that today’s cows constantly suffer from udder infections.

In addition to room and machine disinfection, iodine is also used for specific udder treatment. The blood-red remedy, which hurts like hell in the case of open wounds, is applied directly to the udder (whether inflamed or not) so that no bacteria from the udder can get into the milk.

Microorganisms now hardly get into the milk, instead the iodine. See this article for information on the harmful effects of iodine, the iodine lie (Germany is not an iodine deficiency but an iodine surplus area), and the iodization of animal feed

Monsanto’s genetic milk and the crack for cows

The first genetically engineered food to be widely marketed in the United States was milk. It contained a genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH`).

Crack is a drug concoction containing cocaine, and rBGH got its nickname because, like crack, it first energizes, but then drains the cows. It forces dairy cows to increase their milk production by 30 percent and comes from Monsanto’s laboratories.

The FDA (Wood and Drug Administration) has declared that this GM milk is safe for human consumption, despite warnings about rBGH (and the milk in question) from various independent scientists.

It would promote the formation of another hormone that stimulates unnatural cell division and prevents natural cell death in the milk-consuming human – both hallmarks of cancer cells.

The unlimited use of antibiotics

But even without the warnings of these scientists, American dairy farmers quickly realized what the new hormone was giving them: the dairy cows treated with it burned out two years earlier than usual. Before that, they suffered increasingly from serious hoof, joint, and udder infections.

The farmers constantly had to resort to antibiotic injections. In doing so, however, they risked exceeding the permissible limit for antibiotics in milk. Before farmers could furiously dispose of all their rBGH packages in hazardous waste, the FDA rushed into action:

Cast out the devil with Beelzebub

It created the position of director of human food safety and hired Monsanto’s chief scientist, Dr. Margaret Miller a.

She quickly changed the allowable limit for antibiotics in milk and raised it 100 times! rBGH could now be administered without any worries because antibiotics no longer had to be used sparingly for the infectious diseases that followed.

At the time, people were debating how best to label GM foods (and by extension, rBGH milk). The FDA quickly hired one of Monsanto’s attorneys, Michael R. Taylor.

He quickly solved the problem and decided not to label genetically modified foods at all. As early as 1994, rBGH milk could be sold publicly in the USA – without labeling, but with up to 100 times the antibiotic dose.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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Cow’s Milk: Unsuitable For Babies

Harmful Ingredients In Our Food