
Hibiscus Tea During Pregnancy: This Is Important to Note

Hibiscus tea during pregnancy: safe in moderation

As with many things, hibiscus tea depends on the amount you drink.

  • The tea has many positive properties. It is a popular drink for colds because of its calming effect on the mucous membranes. The tea also promotes digestion and kidney function. Hibiscus tea is also great for losing weight.
  • The effect on the uterus is relevant for pregnant women. Drinking large amounts can cause uterine cramps.
  • However, this is only the case if you drink a lot of it. If the pregnancy is uncomplicated, there’s nothing wrong with drinking a cup or two of hibiscus tea a day.
  • Nevertheless, ask your gynecologist or midwife if they have any objections. If this is the case, avoid this type of tea during pregnancy.

Avoid hibiscus while breastfeeding

If you breastfeed after birth, you must continue to pay attention to the special features of the diet.

  • Some types of tea have a positive or negative effect on milk production.
  • Hibiscus tea is one of the varieties that inhibit milk production. This tea is therefore not recommended when breastfeeding.
  • Note that hibiscus is an ingredient in many fruit teas. It is often combined with rose hips or apple.
  • So take a close look at the types of tea that are included in fruit tea blends.
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Written by Madeline Adams

My name is Maddie. I am a professional recipe writer and food photographer. I have over six years of experience developing delicious, simple, and replicable recipes that your audience will be drooling over. I’m always on the pulse of what’s trending and what people are eating. My educational background is in Food Engineering and Nutrition. I am here to support all of your recipe writing needs! Dietary restrictions and special considerations are my jam! I’ve developed and perfected more than two hundred recipes with focuses ranging from health and wellness to family-friendly and picky-eater-approved. I also have experience in gluten-free, vegan, paleo, keto, DASH, and Mediterranean Diets.

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