
How Much Water to Drink When it’s Hot Outside: Doctors Gave the Answer

Both Drs. Stevenson and Hartley agree that when quenching thirst, water is essential to reduce the risk of dehydration. When it comes to taking care of our bodies, we know that many of our wellness practices can be seasonal, especially when the hot summer months roll around.

For example, you might leave heavy moisturizers in the drawer in favor of a lighter, sweat-resistant formula. Or you might start jogging earlier in the day to avoid the intense heat.

Stacey Stephenson, a CNS physician, chiropractor, functional medicine expert, and nutritionist, confirms that this is not our imagination. You really do need to drink more water in the summer, especially if you lead an active lifestyle in hotter climates.

Dr. Stevenson explains that the summer heat usually makes us sweat more. The more we sweat, the more water our body loses – and if you don’t replenish this moisture loss by drinking, you could be at risk of dehydration.

“Those who live in hot climates need to drink more water, especially if they exercise in the heat,” says Dr. Stevenson. She mentions a small 2020 study from the University of Arizona that examined how tourists perform in hot weather compared to moderate weather.

It turned out that tourists in hot conditions tend to need more water (and lose more) than tourists in moderate weather. The study also cites preliminary statistics on heat-related illnesses (HRI) in the Grand Canyon, where 25 percent of people treated in the National Park for HRI were severely dehydrated.

“Many other studies have investigated how exercise in the heat causes dehydration because most people don’t drink enough fluids to compensate for fluid loss through sweating,” says Dr. Stevenson.

“Exercising in hot weather raises the internal temperature of the body, and therefore the body is less able to tolerate the stress of excessive heat. Drinking more water seems to reduce this stress.”

Rachel Hartley, R.D., Ph.D., a registered dietitian and author of Gentle Eating: A Non-Dietary Approach to Healthy Eating, says you should increase your fluid intake when it’s hot outside, even if you’re relaxing in the shade, away from direct sunlight.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends drinking one cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes when you’re working outside in the heat, and I think that’s a good start,” Hartley says. “If you’re not as active – lying by the pool, for example – you can drink a little less frequently, like a cup every 20 to 30 minutes.”

Both Dr. Stevenson and Hartley agree that when quenching thirst, water is essential to reduce the risk of dehydration. The extra heat can be harmful to our bodies by making them work harder to lower their body temperature. It’s more than just feeling thirsty-the risks associated with dehydration are serious and, in some extreme cases, life-threatening.

“Dehydration can reduce blood pressure, cardiovascular function, and vascular function, increasing the stress on the nervous system and putting people at greater risk of a heart attack. It can also affect mood, cognitive ability, and concentration, not to mention endurance, speed, etc.,” says Dr. Stevenson.

You should also keep in mind some general hydration guidelines to avoid overdoing it (yes, you can drink too much water).

In addition to water, Hartley suggests natural juices, tea, and even coffee (in moderation) meet your hydration needs. “Caffeinated drinks increase urination, so they’re not as effective,” she says. “Sports drinks that contain extra electrolytes are also helpful.” (Just watch out for sugar content.)

Food can also help you avoid dehydration. “Several studies show that 20-25 percent of our daily water intake comes from food,” says Dr. Stevenson. If you feel hungry, snack on foods high in moisture, such as juicy watermelon, fresh greens, and high-protein shrimp. Wash it down with a cool glass of H2O: “Water is better hydrating if you drink it at the same time as a snack, as the presence of nutrients appears to increase the body’s ability to absorb water rather than rinse it down directly,” says Dr. Stevenson.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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