
Milk for Coughs: What You Should Know About It

Milk is not recommended for coughs, as milk causes the mucous membranes to mucus more instead of relieving the cough. Breast milk, coconut milk, and plant-based milk are better alternatives, as is warm tea.

Milk for a cough doesn’t help as well as tea

Warm milk with honey is a popular home remedy for coughs and colds. Nevertheless, it can only be recommended with reservations.

  • It is thanks to honey that milk works for coughs. This has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. However, only if the milk is at most lukewarm since heated honey turns into sugar and loses its healing properties.
  • Animal milk also consists of animal proteins, which are more difficult for the body to digest than vegetable ones. Due to the longer digestion work, the body cannot take care of the cough, and healing is delayed.
  • If the honey is drunk with warm tea, it also helps better than milk. Animal milk products congest the bronchi and thus make it difficult to cough up. Germs cannot be released and the cough persists.
  • If you drink tea instead of milk, you can use herbal teas that help with coughs and respiratory diseases.
  • Bronchial tea or simple herbal teas such as sage, chamomile, or peppermint for colds are proven varieties. Plant-based milk also does not harm the body with coughs and colds but also has no particular healing effect when drunk alone. An exception is coconut milk.

Cure Cough Naturally

If a baby has a cold, you can give him breast milk because it contains everything the body needs to heal. For older children or adults, coconut milk is a very good alternative.

  • Coconut milk contains the short-chain fatty acids that are also found in breast milk and strengthen the immune system. They are immediately available to the body for healing without having to do any digestive work.
  • A spoonful of coconut oil several times a day also has a positive healing effect, because coconut oil and coconut milk, like honey, are natural antibiotics that drive away bacteria and viruses while supporting the body’s defenses.
  • Fruits with a lot of vitamin C also help with coughs and bronchial infections, as they capture and bind the free radicals released by the cold in the body. This will improve quickly.
  • If you prefer hot lemon or tea with lemon as a home remedy, you should not heat the water or tea to more than lukewarm. The active ingredients of the citrus fruit are otherwise destroyed by boiling water.
  • Ginger for a cough or cold or onion juice is also helpful. You can eat ginger on its own or drink it with water or tea and lemon.
  • Prepare onion juice by slicing onions, filling them with honey in a jar, closing it, and leaving it until the juice has formed. Take a spoonful of juice several times a day until the cough subsides.
  • After about two days you should prepare new onion juice, as onions generally attract bacteria, including those from the air and the environment, not just those in the body. So always keep the jar closed.
  • Alternatively, you can eat onions fresh and raw. Nothing lets you breathe freely again so quickly. A small piece is enough to get the mucous membranes to flow and to clear your nose and throat.
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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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