
Аспарагус: Эдгээр 5 шалтгаан нь яагаад ийм эрүүл байдаг вэ!

Low in calories and rich in various nutrients, asparagus is definitely healthy. These five properties make the vegetable an absolute superfood.

From April to June is asparagus season. Then the green and white stalks are regularly served, simply because they taste good. But asparagus is also healthy.

Asparagus is rich in vitamins and minerals

Asparagus is packed with nutrients, including:

  • витамин В
  • витамин Ц
  • витамин Е
  • кали
  • кальцийн
  • магнийн
  • төмөр
  • Фолийн хүчил
  • зэс

Asparagus also contains a lot of fiber, which makes it a filling vegetable. The phytochemicals it contains are particularly good for the intestines.

The ingredients include asparagine, a protein building block that gave the asparagus its name and is responsible as a flavoring for the typical asparagus taste.

Nutritional table (per 100 grams of raw asparagus)

  • Калорийн үнэ цэнэ: 20 ккал
  • Өөх: 0.2 грамм
  • Уураг: 2.2 грамм
  • Нүүрс ус: 3.3 грамм
  • Шилэн: 2.1 грамм
  • Salt (NaCl): 0 grams
  • Ус: 92 грамм

These five factors make asparagus so healthy

The nutrients found in asparagus have numerous positive effects on health – you should know these five:

1. Asparagus makes you smart

New studies now show that fresh German asparagus in particular contains a lot of vitamin B1. Fast thinking, learning and retaining what you have learned – this works best when the body is sufficiently supplied with vitamin B1. The recommended daily dose is a handful of asparagus.

The best way to store the asparagus is to wrap it in a damp cloth and store it in the fridge for a day or two. Asparagus should be eaten as fresh as possible. You can recognize fresh asparagus by the fact that it is plump, has moist cut surfaces and squeaks when you rub the spears together.

2. Asparagus protects the heart

Folic acid is one of the nutrients that makes asparagus healthy, with green asparagus slightly outperforming white asparagus. Together with the B vitamins, folic acid breaks down homocysteine – this is a waste product that is produced during metabolic processes. This protective function is important because homocysteine can damage blood vessels and the heart.

Asparagus is dehydrating and good for the kidneys

Asparagus contains aspartic acid, which stimulates kidney activity and thus has a draining effect. This is particularly important for people with heart failure, which can lead to water retention in the tissues. Even women who tend to have water retention before their period may notice a difference if they eat lots of asparagus.

3. Asparagus strengthens the immune system

Vitamins A, C and E are the best anti-inflammatory vitamins. Asparagus contains a lot of it. The nutrient trio protects cells from free radical attacks. In addition, vitamin C supports the immune system.

4. Asparagus provides energy

There is a lot of the anti-stress mineral magnesium in asparagus. It strengthens the nerves, dispels tiredness and promotes concentration. Muscles also need magnesium. Because the nutrient organizes the smooth cooperation of nerves and muscle fibers. This prevents tension and cramps.

In addition, the trace element copper contained in asparagus promotes blood formation and thus ensures better oxygen supply – and thus more energy.

5. Asparagus is good for the liver

Asparagus may be a powerful tool to protect the liver, a South Korean study finds. The researchers were able to show that there is 70% less toxic contamination in the body when asparagus is eaten regularly.

Is asparagus from the jar healthy?

Asparagus from the jar is a practical alternative to fresh asparagus. But there is often uncertainty as to whether the vegetables from the glass can keep up with the fresh vegetables in terms of nutrients.

Contrary to many opinions, asparagus from the jar contains almost all the ingredients and vitamins like fresh asparagus – the nutrient content is only slightly lower.

Is asparagus water healthy?

Many nutrients are lost when asparagus is cooked. However, these are absorbed by the surrounding water, so that the remaining asparagus water is very healthy. This means that the cooled asparagus water is excellent for drinking as a juice.

Asparagus water offers the following healthy effects:

  • бактерийн эсрэг
  • antispasmodic
  • цутгах
  • хоргүйжүүлэх
  • шээс хөөх эм
  • хөлрөх

Watch out for kidney problems and gout

Asparagus contains relatively large amounts of purines, which are converted to uric acid in the body. If there is more uric acid than the kidneys can process and excrete, small crystals form.

These uric acid crystals are mainly deposited in finger and toe joints and cause pain and swelling, typical symptoms of gout. So if you already suffer from joint or kidney problems or have kidney stones, you should better avoid eating asparagus or at least only eat small portions.

Otherwise, the following applies: Asparagus is healthy and tasty and therefore offers several reasons why it should be eaten more often.

Аватар зураг

Бичигдсэн Миа Лэйн

Би мэргэжлийн тогооч, хоолны зохиолч, жор боловсруулагч, хичээнгүй редактор, контент үйлдвэрлэгч. Би үндэсний брэндүүд, хувь хүмүүс, жижиг бизнесүүдтэй хамтран бичгээр барьцаа хөрөнгө бий болгох, сайжруулах чиглэлээр ажилладаг. Цавуулаггүй, веган гадил жимсний жигнэмэгийн жор боловсруулахаас эхлээд үрэлгэн гар хийцийн сэндвичний зураг авах, гурилан бүтээгдэхүүнд өндөг орлуулах шилдэг гарын авлагыг бүтээх хүртэл би хоол хүнсний бүх зүйлд ажилладаг.

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