
Nettle Leaves: Ingredients and Effects

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Nettle leaves: an overview of the ingredients

  • Formic acid is found in large amounts in nettle leaves. In addition to the formic acid, there is also a large amount of silicic acid.
  • You also get a large number of vitamins from the leaves. Stinging nettles contain, among other things, vitamins C, B1, and provitamin A. Calcium and iron are also present in large quantities.
  • In addition, nettle leaves also contain messenger substances for the nerves. The most important substances are serotonin and acetylcholine.

Nettle leaves: Effects and uses of healthy leaves

  • Nettle tea is especially helpful if you are struggling with a bladder infection. The ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve painful stimuli. The effect is also positive for problems with arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Since the stinging nettle substances have a diuretic effect, absorbed toxins are flushed out of the body more quickly. This stimulates the liver and bile. The bladder itself is also freed from germs and bacteria.
  • Nettles were used to relieving rheumatism as early as the Middle Ages. Even today, the nettle is considered a good and recognized medicinal plant for rheumatism. If you suffer from an enlarged prostate, you can also use the healing effect of nettle tea.
  • Not only do the leaves of the plant have a healing effect, but the seeds are also valuable. Nettle seeds are a good remedy for hair loss. Daily nettle seeds are enough to reduce hair loss.
  • If you suffer from stomach problems associated with diarrhea, you can use the effects of the ingredients to relieve the symptoms. The nettle also has an effect on lumbago, problems with sciatica, and general anemia.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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