
How Does The Perfect Tea Come About?


How does the perfect tea come about?

If you want to warm yourself with a cup of tea and keep yourself healthy, you should leave nothing to chance when preparing and selecting the tea. Praxisvita shows you in a picture gallery what to look out for.

Tea is perhaps the oldest beverage in the world. According to legend, the first tea originated under a tree in China over 4,700 years ago. A gust of wind accidentally caught the leaves of a wild tea plant and blew them into a pot of boiling water. However, since this pot belonged to the Chinese emperor, who was delighted by the taste of the tea, tea was considered the most important drink in the “Middle Kingdom” from that day on.

Nothing has changed in the basic principle of tea production

Today, tea has spread all over the world. And even if some people meanwhile practice the brewing of plant leaves like a nutritional science and for others, simply the enjoyment is in the foreground, the basic principle of tea production has not changed much since the Chinese emperor.

But how long can you actually steep which tea? And is black tea really harmful if it’s steeped for too long? When does green tea wake us up and why is tea actually healthy?

In order for tea to fully develop its aroma and ingredients, it needs space. Tea, therefore, belongs loosely in a pot. To filter the tea leaves later, you can strain the finished tea using a fine sieve.

Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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