
The Healthy Secret of Okra

It strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels, and protects the kidneys – the okra pod is a true miracle of health. Praxisvita shows how we can best use okra for ourselves – with the most delicious recipes.

The hexagonal, finger-thick pods originally come from East Africa – but you can also buy them in supermarkets, Asian shops, or small greengrocers in this country. So far, however, okra has rarely found its way into German kitchens. It can protect us from numerous diseases – we have put together the most important health benefits of okra for you.

Lowers cholesterol levels

Okra is a natural cholesterol reducer. The reason for this is their high fiber content (200 grams of okra contain a third of the daily requirement of fiber). These dissolve in the digestive tract and bind to the cholesterol ingested with other foods, so that it is excreted instead of entering the bloodstream. The pods of okra themselves are cholesterol-free and contain very little fat.

Strengthens the intestinal flora

In addition to cholesterol, the okra also binds other toxins, fats, and bacteria in the intestine and transports them away – they thus act like an intestinal cleansing agent. Okra also contains plant-based mucilage that is released when the pods are cooked. They form an optimal breeding ground for “friendly” intestinal bacteria and thus support the development of healthy intestinal flora.

Strengthens the immune system

There is a lot of vitamin C in okra (200 grams contain around 40 percent of the daily requirement), which makes them excellent helpers to the immune system. Because vitamin C stimulates the immune system to produce more white blood cells, which in turn fight “enemy invaders” such as pathogens.

Lowers blood sugar levels

Thanks to its high fiber content, okra helps to keep glucose levels in the body stable in people with diabetes. In a 2011 study, Bangladeshi scientists found that rats fed an okra solution had lower blood sugar levels than control rats. The reason was that thanks to the okra solution, their bodies absorbed less glucose.

Protects the kidneys

Regular consumption of okra can help prevent kidney disease. A study published in 2005 showed that diabetics who ate okra daily in addition to their diabetic diet had a greater reduction in the onset of kidney damage than participants in the control group. Since almost half of all kidney diseases result from diabetes, experts advise diabetics to include okra in their diet – also because of its regulating effect on blood sugar levels. Delicious okra recipes

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Written by Micah Stanley

Hi, I'm Micah. I am a creative Expert Freelance Dietitian Nutritionist with years of experience in counseling, recipe creation, nutrition, and content writing, product development.

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