
Turrets of Exotic Fruits with Spirulina Granules

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Turrets of Exotic Fruits with Spirulina Granules

The perfect turrets of exotic fruits with spirulina granules recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions.

  • 1 Mango, ripe
  • 1 Watermelon
  • 1 Pineapple
  • 4 tbsp Spirulina microalgae (granules)
  1. Remove the peel from the melon, pineapple and mango. Cut about 5 millimeter thick slices from the pulp. Cut around the core of the mango, remove the stalk first of the pineapple.
  2. Cut out circles from the pulp with a cookie cutter or a thin-walled (!) Drinking glass. Layer a fruit tower with the circles.
  3. Just before serving or while you are eating, sprinkle the spirulina granules over the fruit. Then the grains are still super crispy in the mouth.
  4. Of course you can also make a fruit salad from the fruits. Again, fruit and spirulina make a great combination.
turrets of exotic fruits with spirulina granules

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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