
עגגס פֿאַר פרישטיק: די 5 בעסטער יידיאַז און רעסיפּעס

For many people, the obligatory breakfast egg is a good start to the day. Our five ideas and recipes ensure variety on the breakfast table.

Start the day heartily: scrambled eggs with bacon for breakfast

A soft-boiled egg on the table every morning – there is another way. With scrambled eggs and bacon, you can start the day heartily and without much effort.

  • The preparation is very simple: First, fry a few strips of bacon in the pan until crispy.
  • Then take the bacon out of the pan and prepare your scrambled eggs in the fat. You don’t have to add salt, the bacon is usually salty enough. Egg and bacon then come together on the plate.
  • If you want some vegetables in the morning, cut the pepper into the pan.

Tight Max also works in the morning

Strammer Max is a simple and quickly prepared egg dish.

  • All you need is good, fresh bread.
  • The bread is first spread thinly with butter and topped with cooked ham.
  • Then comes a fried egg. Garnished with a few chives.

Keep you full for a long time: omelette muffins

Omelette muffins keep you full for a long time. With this breakfast, you will not fall into the notorious morning slump.

  • First, stir about 180 g of quinoa into boiling water and let it swell for about 15 minutes. You can then preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Grate 60g of cheddar cheese and mix it into the quinoa.
  • Mix two eggs with a little coarsely chopped spinach and finely chopped parsley. Season the mixture with salt and pepper and divide into muffin cases. Alternatively, use small baking pans.
  • After about 20 minutes in the oven, the omelette muffins are ready.

Healthy eating in the morning: porridge with poached eggs

Poaching eggs requires some finesse.

  • The English call it porridge, but you can also just call it porridge. Boil oat flakes in milk and let the flakes swell until the porridge has the desired consistency. Seasoned with a little salt and pepper.
  • Now it’s time to poach the eggs: Heat salted water in a saucepan and add a dash of vinegar. The water must not boil, but it must not be too cold either. Just before simmering, it’s at the right temperature.
  • Using a spoon, stir the water vigorously to create a whirlpool. Now let the egg run into the middle of this whirlpool. After two to four minutes, you can fish the egg out of the water with a slotted spoon and drain it on a kitchen towel.
  • Arrange the oatmeal in a bowl and place the poached egg on top. If you like, you can mix a little green pesto or parmesan into the porridge.

Refined recipe: fried egg on avocado bread

This egg breakfast provides you with many vitamins.

  • Breakfast is especially delicious if you use ciabatta bread. Brush the slices with a little butter and briefly fry the bread in the pan until crispy.
  • You will also need the flesh of half an avocado. Mash the avocado and season with a little salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.
  • Spread the bread with the avocado mousse and place a fried egg on top.
אַוואַטאַר פאָטאָ

געשריבן דורך יוחנן מיערס

פאַכמאַן שעף מיט 25 יאָר פון ינדאַסטרי דערפאַרונג אויף די העכסטן לעוועלס. רעסטאָראַן באַזיצער. בעוועראַגע דירעקטאָר מיט דערפאַרונג קריייטינג וועלט-קלאַס נאציאנאל דערקענט קאָקטייל מגילה. פוד שרייבער מיט אַ אָפּשיידנדיק שעף-געטריבן קול און פונט פון מיינונג.

לאָזן אַ ענטפֿערן

אייער בליצפּאָסט אַדרעס וועט ניט זיין ארויס. פארלאנגט פעלדער זענען אנגעצייכנט *

געזונט פאַץ: די פודז האַלטן איר פּאַסיק

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