
Vegan Caramel: How it Works

Vegan caramel gives many desserts the finishing touch. Recently, many people have attached great importance to the fact that sweets also have a vegan alternative. You can achieve the creamy consistency of the caramel without adding butter and cream.

Vegan caramel – ingredients and procedure

Vegan caramel does without butter and cream of animal origin. You can use coconut milk as a plant-based alternative. If you want the caramel to be creamy you should use the thick part of the milk, if you want the caramel to be a little runnier you can use the lighter part of the milk.

  1. You need three ingredients: 250 grams of sugar, 70ml of water, and 200g coconut milk. Pour the water into a saucepan and add the sugar. Swirl the pan to distribute the sugar evenly.
  2. Boil the water until bubbly. As soon as the sugar turns brown, you should remove the pot from the water. The sugar caramelizes very quickly, so be careful not to let the caramel turn too dark and become unpalatable. Do not stir the water-sugar mixture yet!
  3. Pour about 50ml of the coconut milk into the hot sugar and water mixture and stir well. Gradually add the rest of the coconut milk. As soon as the caramel forms a homogeneous mass, you can bring it to a boil again. Stir constantly to keep the caramel from clumping and from getting a skin on it.
  4. Then let the caramel cool down and pour it into a glass. The caramel will keep for a long time in the fridge. You can also enjoy it cold and use it to refine muffins, waffles, and other desserts. Enjoy your meal!
אַוואַטאַר פאָטאָ

געשריבן דורך Kelly Turner

איך בין אַ שעף און אַ עסנוואַרג פאַנאַטיקער. איך האב שוין ארבעטן אין די קולינאַריש ינדאַסטרי פֿאַר די לעצטע פינף יאָר און האָבן פארעפנטלעכט שטיק פון וועב אינהאַלט אין די פאָרעם פון בלאָג אַרטיקלען און רעסאַפּיז. איך האָבן דערפאַרונג מיט קוקינג עסנוואַרג פֿאַר אַלע טייפּס פון דיייץ. דורך מיין יקספּיריאַנסיז, איך געלערנט ווי צו שאַפֿן, אַנטוויקלען און פֿאָרמאַט רעסאַפּיז אויף אַ וועג וואָס איז גרינג צו נאָכפאָלגן.

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