What Mushrooms are Harvested in August: 6 Seasonal Trophies for the Mushroom Hunter


It is clear from the name of these mushrooms that you should look for Podberezoviki in birch groves. They grow throughout August in large quantities. Outwardly, they resemble white mushrooms. You can recognize the Podberezovik by its brown cap and white stalk with black dots. You can distinguish it from poisonous mushrooms by breaking off part of the cap – the flesh inside should be white, not yellow or pink.


Chanterelles are very tasty and must be desired by all mushroom pickers. They can be easily picked by people with no experience in mushroom picking since they are very easy to recognize and have no poisonous lookalikes. Podosinovik has a bright red-brown cap and a thick stalk with brown flecks. The mushroom turns quickly blue on cut. They grow in deciduous and mixed forests from midsummer to October.

Porcini Mushrooms

The most coveted trophy for any mushroom hunter is the ceps, known for their extremely tasty qualities. This mushroom grows abundantly almost everywhere in August, but in coniferous forests, the chance of seeing it is higher. This mushroom has a dense stalk and brown cap, and the flesh on the cut is white. Its distinctive feature is its pleasant mushroom smell.


Massifs are harvested in coniferous forests. They begin to grow in July, but peak yields fall in mid-August. Holy saffron carrots have a light yellow, thin stalk and a sticky cap. A true bitterling’s flesh shouldn’t change color at the break.


The russula grows in all kinds of forests and edges, but most often it can be found near forest trails and under young birch trees. Syrokoids have a long, pale stalk and a thin cap with a depression inside. The color of the cap can be red, less often yellow or green. The skin can easily be removed from the cap with a knife.


Chanterelles taste very nice, especially when pickled. This mushroom has a bright appearance and is easy to find in the woods, but it has an inedible “double”. The inedible chanterelle is completely yellow, with a dense stalk. Inedible false chanterelles have a reddish hue and an empty stalk.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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