
Healthiest Oil: The Top 7 And What To Look Out For

Surely you have already asked yourself which oil is considered the healthiest. Some oils are known to be very healthy. We have put together a selection of seven different oils for you.

The top 7: Healthiest oil

Oils are very important for the body. For example, they enable it to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, provide energy, and support hormone formation. Healthy oils are characterized by healthy vitamins and minerals as well as many unsaturated fatty acids.

  • According to the DGE, rapeseed oil is one of the healthiest oils. The reason for this is that it has a very high proportion of healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids. It also contains a lot of vitamin E.
  • Another oil known to be particularly healthy is linseed oil. This is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute significantly to our brain function and vision.
  • Walnut oil is an oil that also contains a lot of healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Just like flaxseed oil, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which make the oil one of the healthiest oils.
  • Olive oil is also convincing in terms of health. It is said to have a very high antioxidant effect. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil is also very high.
  • Another very healthy oil is hemp oil. It can also often be found under the name “hemp seed oil”. This also contains many healthy secondary plant substances, minerals, and vitamins.
  • With a high content of vitamin E and vitamin K, sunflower oil is also convincing. It also contains numerous polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Peanut oil is also one of the healthiest oils. This oil has many poly and monounsaturated fatty acids and a very high proportion of vitamins E, B2, K, and D.

You should pay attention to this when buying oil

If you now buy one of the oils presented, you should consider a few things:

  • Cold-pressed or native oil is generally the healthiest. The reason for this is simple: when heating, important nutrients and vitamins are often lost. If the oil is cold-pressed, all the nutrients are retained during production.
  • Always pay attention to what the oil is suitable for. While some oils, such as canola oil, are ideal for frying, other oils are not heat resistant. You should only use this as an oil for a salad dressing, on fish or vegetables.
  • The oils also differ greatly in taste. Native oils usually have a very intense taste and a full aroma, which is why you should always find out beforehand which oil is right for your dish.
  • When buying oil, it is also advisable to look for organic oil. This means that the plant material in the oil has been grown using regulated organic farming practices. In this way, you can be sure that no chemical pesticides or similar have been used. You can usually recognize the oil by an organic seal.
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Written by Kelly Turner

I am a chef and a food fanatic. I have been working in the Culinary Industry for the past five years and have published pieces of web content in the form of blog posts and recipes. I have experience with cooking food for all types of diets. Through my experiences, I have learned how to create, develop, and format recipes in a way that is easy to follow.

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