
Magnesium Deficiency Is Common

Many Germans consume too little magnesium. But be careful: A magnesium deficiency can easily trigger problems such as headaches, tachycardia, or fatigue. A nutrient cure helps.

Over 40 percent of Germans do not get enough magnesium through their daily diet. And about 15 percent of Germans already have a real magnesium deficiency. There are many reasons for mineral deficiency. A one-sided diet, in which fast food, ready meals, and white flour products are in the foreground, can lead to a mineral deficit in the long term.

Stress leads to magnesium deficiency

Our hectic lifestyle, stress, and mental stress also increase the need for magnesium. This also applies to people who like to do a lot of sport, to pregnant women and nursing mothers. Certain medications, such as water-repellent diuretics for high blood pressure and remedies for heartburn (so-called proton pump inhibitors), can also seriously imbalance the magnesium balance.

Chronic diseases cause magnesium deficiency
In addition, chronic diseases, especially diabetes, promote the loss of magnesium in the body. Diabetics increasingly excrete natural minerals in their urine. Avoiding high-calorie foods with a high magnesium content (e.g. nuts) and disturbed gastrointestinal function can also contribute to a noticeable deficiency.

Symptoms are often confused

Due to the extensive functions that magnesium performs in our body, a magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in very different ways. That is why the warning signs are all too often confused with other diseases.

Most people know the connection between nighttime muscle cramps in the calves and magnesium deficiency. But did you know that frequent, uncontrollable eyelid twitching or tension in the neck, shoulder, and back areas can also be an indication that the magnesium depots should be replenished?

People who often complain of headaches or sudden heartbeats should also remember that a magnesium deficiency can be the cause. And inexplicable irritability and lack of energy, even constantly cold feet or an excessive need for sleep can often be regulated simply and easily with a magnesium cure lasting several weeks.

Magnesium deficiency promotes diabetes

What many people do not realize is that if you are constantly undersupplied, magnesium deficiency can promote the development of type 2 diabetes. Experts, therefore, advise taking deficiency symptoms such as muscle cramps, tension, tachycardia, or restlessness seriously. Those affected should become active and improve their magnesium balance. Unfortunately, it rarely works to replenish the empty mineral depots simply by changing your diet. In this case, a cure helps in which the mineral is taken in several portions throughout the day. But taking one tablet three times a day is too cumbersome for some. Alternatively, there is a so-called retarded long-term magnesium (available without a prescription in the pharmacy), which optimally supplies the body with the mineral throughout the day. After several weeks, the magnesium balance is balanced again – and the symptoms are forgotten.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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