
Salt: The Gold Of The Earth

In addition to sodium chloride, natural salt also contains other minerals and trace elements. In addition, it is not only suitable – in moderate amounts – as food to enhance a healthy diet, but can also be used excellently as a soothing remedy for many internal and external applications.

Salt from the primordial sea

The sea is the cradle of all life and so also that of man. At the beginning of time, the sea of the earth was inanimate. 700 million years after the formation of the earth, the first living beings emerged. A full three billion years later, the first dared to go ashore. The exact time has not yet been clarified. It is currently assumed that land settlement happened about 800 million years ago.

But even land creatures don’t really live without the sea. They can only survive on land because their bodies consist largely of the element from which they originally evolved: salt water. Our blood is a one percent salt solution (brine) and thus still corresponds to the salt concentration of the earlier primeval seas.

Without salt, we can do nothing

Life is not possible without salt. Every smallest process in our body requires salt or its minerals in ionized form. Without salt, we could do nothing, raise our arms, take a step, or even think. If we now want to supply ourselves with enough salt, which measure would be extremely logical and sensible? Right, we should drink some primordial seawater.

Unfortunately, primeval seas no longer exist. But that doesn’t matter. Instead, we can use the natural salt of the primeval seas (rock salt and crystal salt) or that of today’s oceans (sea salt, fleur de sel) for our dishes or medicinal preparations.

Table salt

Pure white salt, which is sold in supermarkets under the name cooking or table salt and which is contained in almost all finished products in the food industry, is no longer a natural salt.

It is no longer a holistic food. It was laboriously industrially processed, bleached, boiled at high temperatures, and cleaned (=refined) so that – as required by law – it only consists of sodium chloride.

Table salt: chemicals instead of minerals

Instead of the other minerals (e.g. potassium, magnesium, etc.) and trace elements (e.g. selenium, silicon, zinc, etc.) still present in natural salt, industrial salt contains an interesting “substitute”, namely various chemicals.

These include anti-caking agents (anti-caking agents, e.g. aluminum or potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)) as well as iodine and fluorine compounds for the supposed prophylaxis of thyroid diseases and aluminum (hydr)oxide.

Table salt used in sausage products can also contain sodium nitrite. For the effects of these additives, please read below from Cancer from common salt.

However, the “salt” that is present in our body and that our body should take in with food every day has nothing to do with this sophisticated mixture of chemicals.

Survival without salt

Luckily we don’t live on salt alone. And so it was not originally the task of salt to provide us with vital minerals and trace elements. In the Stone Age, many people lived far from the sea and survived very well – even without salt.

But they ate neither ready-made soups nor white bread nor cakes, they drank neither alcohol nor milk and also not espresso every day. Instead, they ate large amounts of mineral-rich wild plants and herbs, along with fruits, nuts, and (when the hunter era began) meat.

Wild plants and herbs are so extraordinarily rich in minerals and trace elements that, for example, a pure wild plant salad tastes excellent even without salt – simply because the high content of natural minerals ensures a hearty, spicy taste.

However, since nowadays hardly anyone likes to eat wild plants that are naturally rich in salt and minerals, we are now dependent on other sources of salt and minerals.

Unfortunately, however, we remove the mineral-rich outer layers of rice and cereals, we extract the sugar, which is worthless in its isolated form, from the actually mineral-rich sugar beet, we cook our vegetables (throw away the mineral-rich water) and eat low-mineral cultivated salads from the greenhouse.

Consequently, modern nutrition does not provide the people of civilization with the necessary salts and minerals. At this point, natural salt can help out, of course together with dietary supplements of those minerals and trace elements that the salt does not contain in sufficient quantities.

Natural salts are only available from specialist retailers

Natural sea salts, crystal salts, primordial salts, rock salts, or the exquisite fleur de sel give “civilized cultured dishes” flavor again – and without supplying chemicals at the same time.

In ordinary supermarkets, however, these natural salts are hardly available anymore. The salt shelves are full of cheap, industrially processed table salt. Ready meals of all kinds contain table salt, bread from the bakery contains table salt, sausage and cheese contain table salt, and canned goods are also full of table salt.

However, natural salts of the best possible quality and foods seasoned with them (bread, cheese, etc.) are only available from organic retailers.

Why table salt?

But why is mainly table salt and not natural salt used in the food industry? It would be much easier to save yourself laborious industrial refining processes and use the salt from the sea or mines in its original form. The food industry, however, seems to see things very differently.

Because table salt benefits the food industry

The minerals and trace elements contained in natural salt can give the salt unfavorable properties. Unfavorable, of course, only for the food industry, for the people they would even be helpful.

Magnesium and potassium, for example, give the salt a more intense, slightly bitter taste. Magnesium also attracts water. As a result, the natural salt tends to clump together. So the magnesium has to go because clumping salt can neither be stored nor sold well nor can it be dosed exactly (e.g. in the production of ready meals).

Table salt “contaminated” with minerals

Natural salts can also contain clay residues that are removed during the production of table salt. Alumina, however, is neither harmful nor dangerous.

On the contrary, thanks to their detoxifying and absorbing properties, they could mitigate the aggressive effects of table salt on the body.

However, all these positive components of natural salts are simply referred to as “impurities” by the salt industry – not least to make the consumer believe that refined table salt is a wonderful and pure product.

Salt production for industry

But even the food industry is just a really tiny fish in the midst of all the other industries that require salt. Almost 93 percent of the world’s table salt is used for industrial purposes.

Numerous products – especially in the chemical industry – can only be produced with the help of common salt, e.g. B. Detergents, but also paints, plastic, PVC, and much more.

However, chemical processes are dependent on the purest raw materials and therefore also on the purest sodium chloride. This is absolutely understandable and the chemical industry is also welcome to use table salt.

But why one believes that the human body – similar to a chemical industrial plant – can also be made happy with common salt, is probably beyond the understanding of an intelligent person.

Table salt from a holistic perspective

Since a substance or compound never occurs in nature on its own, but always in combination with other substances and compounds, table salt with its unnatural composition disturbs the inner harmony of the organism from a holistic point of view.

Our body expects wholesome and natural foods. So he expects neither isolated sugar nor isolated flour, no husked rice, no pure vitamin C powder, and thus no isolated sodium chloride.

However, if common salt does enter the body in the form of sodium chloride, which is usually too high in conventional nutrition, then the organism must take measures to protect itself. For this purpose, sodium chloride is brought into an ionized state with the help of water.

Since most people drink very little pure water in parallel with a high consumption of table salt, the water used for salt neutralization must be drained from the cells. As if there were nothing more important, valuable structured cell water must now be sacrificed for the deactivation of cheap industrial table salt.

The affected cells can then die off and the aging process of all our organs, our skin, and our blood are accelerated rapidly.

Bad Combination #1: Table Salt and Modern Diet

However, modern nutrition lacks the “material” required for the rapid replacement of cell loss. Of course, the base is not lacking. There is no lack of proteins, fats, and certainly no carbohydrates.

But where are the vital substances that ensure that something useful can develop from the basis? And where are the antioxidant secondary plant substances?

Modern nutrition is in itself already disadvantageous for the health, vitality, and performance of people, but the combination with table salt makes the situation even worse.

Bad combo #2: salt and animal protein

If foods containing common salt are consumed not just once a week, but several times a day, the self-protection measures of the organism described are often no longer sufficient to neutralize the incoming amount of salt.

In addition, most people not only eat too much salt but also excessive amounts of animal proteins at the same time. They eat meat, fish, seafood, sausage, cheese, yogurt, quark, cream cake, pudding, and much more. When metabolizing these large amounts of protein, e.g. Uric acid.

So now we have an excess of salt and an excess of uric acid. The salt now combines with the uric acid, resulting in large amounts of crystalline compounds. In the body, this leads to a serious garbage problem.

But just as unwelcome mountains of waste are shifted to third-world countries and nuclear waste is carted across Europe, the human body is also very imaginative when it comes to the disposal of critical waste internally.

The resulting uric acid crystals are quickly stored in the kidneys or gallbladder. The connective tissue or the joints are also popular hazardous waste disposal sites in the human body.

Unfortunately, this is how kidney stones, bladder stones, gallstones, gout, osteoarthritis, or even arthritis develop over the years.

Cancer from salt?

Table salt is also – as mentioned above – “blessed” with various chemical additives. Salt used in the food industry for meat and sausage products contains about 0.5 percent sodium nitrite. This salt is then called curing salt.

When making sausages, meat is heated and usually turns grey-brown. Would you like to eat grey-brown sausage? Even. So the meat in question is treated with curing salt, which means it stays nice and red and the sausage has a long shelf life.

Unfortunately, so-called nitrosamines can form from nitrites – especially in combination with proteins. Nitrosamines are among the most aggressive cancer triggers of our time.

It is interesting that the other ingredients added to today’s table salt, such as iodine and fluoride compounds or the metal salts used as anti-caking agents, have an accelerating effect on the formation of nitrosamines.

Alzheimer’s from salt?

Salt that refuses to come out of the salt shaker is extremely unpopular. In the past, if you put a few grains of rice in the salt, the problem was less pronounced. Today’s consumers want a salt that remains spreadable at all times and, if possible, for years. So he gets it too.

However, perfect pourability has its price: the salt now contains an aluminum compound. However, the metal aluminum is said to be found in disproportionately large amounts in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, so it can hardly be in the interests of health-conscious people to consume aluminum in their daily salt simply because of the improved flowability.

Sick thyroid from salt?

Today there is hardly any table salt without iodine. Most people are very happy about that. After all, everyone knows that we supposedly live in a dangerous area of iodine deficiency and will therefore sooner or later perish from thyroid diseases if we don’t season all our dishes with artificially iodized salt. Unfortunately, one failed to mention that iodine is a trace element that can easily be overdosed.

However, the thyroid reacts extremely sensitively to such an overdose of artificial iodine. A mild overactive thyroid can quickly turn severe with the usual food iodization and suddenly require drug treatment.

The chronic inflammatory thyroid disease Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is considered the most common autoimmune disease in Europe, is accelerated by iodine supplements. Hashimoto describes the self-dissolving of the thyroid gland which already occurs in 2 percent of the population with the corresponding symptoms.

However, since the disease often only becomes noticeable when the thyroid gland has already been largely destroyed, it is assumed that a further 6 percent of the total European population is still unknowingly suffering from the disease.

Dangerous table salt iodization

So if you’re one of those people with unknowing Hashimoto’s or those with unknowingly mild hyperthyroidism, avoid artificial iodine! But since you don’t know anything about your symptoms, you have no idea that you have to avoid iodized salt.

However, if you shop normally and eat normally, then due to the ubiquity of iodized salt you are consuming so much iodine that your thyroid gland can no longer cope with it and you become ill as a result of the forced iodization alone. Or to put it another way: If there were no iodized salt, you would probably stay healthy!

Fluoridated Salt

Fluorides are also often mixed into table salt. They are designed to protect teeth from tooth decay. However, it is doubtful whether they do so or whether they do so satisfactorily that we would like to accept the possible health risks associated with fluorides without exception.

Certain forms of bone cancer, for example, are said to be favored by excessive fluoride intake. It is interesting here that rodents apparently tolerate significantly more fluoride than humans. What a misfortune that rodents were used to prove the supposed harmlessness of fluoride in humans.

Healthy Salt

Anyone who has lost their appetite for conventional table salt will find a wide range of sea salts, rock salts, and crystal salts on the market for unprocessed and additive-free natural salts.

However, so that these are really suitable for upgrading the diet and for a wide variety of healing applications, pay attention to the quality when buying the salts. Because not every sea salt is a high-quality, non-toxic, and unprocessed pure sea salt, not every rock salt is free from radiation exposure and heavy metals, and not every crystal salt is actually mined by hand, only washed in brine and dried in the sun. Below we present natural types of salt:

Fleur de Sel

Fleur de Sel, the “flower of salt” is the most expensive sea salt. It is obtained exclusively by hand. In small natural salt pools on the coast, the sun and wind evaporate the water. The salt remains. Fine “salt flowers” form on the surface. These are skimmed off and only dried. So they come onto the market completely unprocessed.

The Fleur de Sel is characterized by a relatively high proportion of magnesium and calcium. This gives it its special taste. It also has larger crystals than conventional salts, higher residual moisture, and “crunchy” consistency.

Fleur de Sel should not be used for cooking, but only for fresh dishes or to add salt to the table.

Fleur de Sel was originally considered one of the most precious salts of all. However, humans have now managed to turn what was once the most natural salt into a worrying source of microplastics. The contamination of the seas with plastic waste led to microfine plastic particles floating on the sea surface, which are then of course skimmed off when Fleur de Sel is skimmed off. Unfortunately, Fleur de Sel is no longer recommended at the moment.


Similar to Fleur de Sel, “normal” sea salt can also be contaminated with microplastics. However, investigations revealed a much lower exposure. Nevertheless, rock salts are a microplastic-free alternative.

Rock salt

Rock salt comes from salt mines. Once upon a time, there was a primordial sea. It dried out and waited underground for millions of years – free from environmental pollution and pollutants until it was finally discovered by humans. Conventional table salt is usually made from rock salt.

However, rock salt is also offered unprocessed and in its natural state. Then it has a greyish color compared to the pure white Ariel look of table salt. This is due to the lack of bleaching and cleaning process and is an indication of the naturalness.

Crystal salt

Just as a gem is a stone, but not every stone is a gem, so crystal salt is rock salt, but rock salt is not always crystal salt. Imagine the crystal salt deposits similar to gold veins that run through the gray rock salt in a few places in a fine pink. For this reason, the mining of crystal salt is difficult and not worthwhile for the industry.

The difference between crystal salt and rock salt is due to the different pressure conditions that acted on the salt over millions of years. While naturally mined and unprocessed rock salt meets all the criteria of a holistic salt, it has not undergone sufficient pressure for its elements to be incorporated into the crystal lattice of the salt. As a result – so it is said – the elements are too coarse to use our cells.

In the case of crystal salt, on the other hand, the appropriate pressure conditions led to the formation of a geometrically perfect crystal in which the elements are present in such a small particle size that they can be easily absorbed and metabolized by the human body – at least according to the authors of the book “Water and Salt” (Ferreira and Henkel). Only high-quality crystal or rock salt should be used for healing applications, especially for the brine-drinking cure.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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