
Beer on Wine, Let that Be?

When it comes to alcohol, drinking wisdom is not far away. There are numerous tips on how to get through an alcoholic evening and the day after in the best possible way. But what about such recommendations?

Does mess drinking make you drunk faster?

“Beer on wine, don’t do that. But: wine on beer, that’s what I advise you to do.” All nonsense! When it comes to alcohol, it’s not the order that matters, it’s the amount. In terms of tolerance, it doesn’t matter whether beer follows wine or wine follows beer. But when we drink a lot, we often treat ourselves to a larger amount of alcohol. If we stay with one drink all evening, our taste buds quickly get bored – we drink less. The mess drinking is so often linked to the consumption of larger amounts of alcohol and is mistakenly attributed to the cause of the hangover the next morning.

Is it true that alcohol boils away in food?

A dash of liqueur or a whole glass of wine – alcoholic beverages can refine food and give it a special aroma. The fact that the alcohol content evaporates during cooking is a myth: Although alcohol evaporates at 78 degrees Celsius, the alcohol combines with fat. And that keeps the alcohol molecules stuck.

Does alcohol really have that many calories?

Anyone who drinks a few glasses of beer is said to consume the caloric content of an entire meal. And indeed, wine, beer, and cocktails are significantly higher in calories than many consumers realize. One gram of pure alcohol already contains seven kilocalories. And there are 130 calories in an average-sized glass of beer. White or red wine does not necessarily contribute to a slim figure either: with around 140 calories, a glass of wine corresponds to a chocolate biscuit. Regular alcohol consumption can therefore contribute to obesity.

Does drinking on an empty stomach make you drunk faster?

There is something to this myth! Those who plan to drink alcohol should not skip dinner. Alcohol gets into the blood faster on an empty stomach. But unfortunately, the precautionary “basis” is deceptive: the alcohol gets into our bloodstream in any case, just more slowly. The delay can underestimate the effect of the alcohol.

Schnapps after a meal: really good for digestion?

To drive away the feeling of fullness, many people reach for digestive schnapps after greasy food. However, the “short drink” does not help with digestion afterward, on the contrary: the more alcohol we drink, the slower our digestion runs. The well-being after the schnapps arises because the musculature of the stomach temporarily relaxes when we drink alcohol. Instead of schnapps, we should better choose herbal tea – it really helps.

Does the nightcap help you fall asleep?

After a certain amount, alcohol makes you tired and helps you fall asleep – this has been scientifically proven. But in the second half of the night, too much red wine and the like have the opposite effect: sleep becomes more restless and lighter. Since alcohol increases the urge to urinate, there is also a risk of having to go to the toilet more often after a nightcap.

Rollmops against the hangover afterward?

Nausea, dizziness, headaches – typical symptoms after a night of drinking. To date, there is no clear scientific explanation for the morning hangover. Some researchers see the cause in the cell toxin acetaldehyde – it is produced when alcohol is broken down in the body. Other scientists blame the lack of water as the main cause. If you’ve had a drink, you’re replenishing lost minerals with a salty, nutritious breakfast. Tomato juice with salt or broth will also help. A walk in the fresh air does not break down the alcohol faster, but it does promote well-being. And very important: drink a lot of water.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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