What Happens if You Give Up Coffee: How Easy it is to Overcome “Withdrawal” and How it Affects Health

Have you ever noticed a strange condition from coffee? Sometimes a passion for the hot, invigorating drink can be detrimental. Try stopping drinking coffee and you’ll be surprised at how your condition changes.

In this article, you will learn what happens when you give up coffee and how easy it is to give up coffee and finally overcome the addiction to this drink.

Is it possible to stop drinking coffee abruptly?

Many people do not know what happens if you stop drinking coffee and tea. Tea also contains caffeine, so you can try giving it up as well. When you abruptly give up coffee, your body experiences a lack of adrenaline and dopamine.

Is it easy to stop drinking coffee? You can, but to many people, it may seem like a daunting task. At first, it may even lead to a headache. Instead of adrenaline, the body begins to produce adenosine, which is the hormone of fatigue. Therefore it is worth giving up coffee gradually. Chopping off the shoulder is not worth it.

How to give up coffee

If you don’t know how easy it is to give up coffee, try doing it gradually. Gradually decrease the dosage, drinking fewer drinks with coffee. For example, if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, take a third of it and dilute the rest with water. That way your body will get caffeine, but not as much.

After that, increase the amount of coffee you pour out of the cup. Dilute the drink with water by half, then you can try diluting it by two-thirds.

You can give up coffee with milk in a similar way. Only in this case, you should not add more water to the drink, but more milk.

How long does withdrawal from coffee last

Giving up coffee, unfortunately, does lead to so-called withdrawal, in science it is called withdrawal. Be prepared and understand in advance how long coffee withdrawal lasts. A strong desire to drink a drink with caffeine comes about 12 hours after your body has received a cherished “dose” of hormones.

Caffeine, or rather its absence, causes a withdrawal syndrome. Such withdrawal lasts about a week. During these days, you may experience fatigue and suffer from bad moods. Coffee withdrawal may seem unbearable. You may also feel that it is much harder to work without coffee. But it will pass, giving up coffee and withdrawal will eventually cause your body to function much better.

What happens if you completely give up coffee

Giving up coffee will cause you to start sleeping better, and you’ll have more energy in the morning. Also, the complete “cure” of caffeine addiction will have a positive impact on liver function and even increase libido. Women often admit that they literally “flutter” after giving up coffee.

Stopped drinking coffee and lost weight – some note even this plus in the rejection of caffeine. And this is true, because many people do not drink espresso without sugar, but caloric drinks with sugar, syrups, and milk – cappuccino, latte, and others.

Giving up coffee will also have a positive impact on your appearance. While drinking such drinks the body excessively produces the stress hormone cortisol, which strongly affects the skin and accelerates the aging process. So giving up coffee will give you back your youthfulness.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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