
Color Means More Than You Think: What Color of Blood During Your Period Screams Danger

You can tell at a glance that a woman’s health is in trouble if you look closely at the color of her period. It takes a second to know if you can sleep well or if it’s time to run to the doctor, flashing your heels in panic.

The subject of “red days on the calendar” is a sensitive one. It is little talked about in school, often ridiculed in offensive jokes, and in every way imposed the view that it should be silenced. Therefore, information about this aspect of women’s health often has to look for themselves – somewhere on the Internet. Some girls do not even think that the color of the blood during her period may be “wrong”, “wrong” and simply “dangerous” – signaling serious problems in the body.

So, what color your period says is normal? With regular periods, a dark red shade of blood is considered normal: dark blood when your period begins with a high degree of probability indicates that the endocrine and reproductive systems are functioning without any problems.

The orange color is also not a cause for concern: just blood mixed with cervical mucus. But if there is an unpleasant odor, this could be an early sign of vaginal infection. In this case, it is time to go to the gynecologist.

But the pink or light pink color of the blood is already a cause for concern. Such shade (especially in combination with an irregular cycle) may indicate a low level of estrogen, and, among other things, act as a signal of the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Also, too light menstrual blood may indicate avitaminosis or general weakness of the body.

Brown blood on your period should not be a cause for concern either. Even if we are talking about periods of brown color on the first day – a small amount of such discharge is not a reason to worry. You should be concerned if brown stains appear on your underwear in the period between periods: in this case, it may be a symptom of endometriosis, uterine myoma, hormonal or other disorders.

Dangerous colors also include the gray color of blood: this can be a signal that a disease is developing in the body, which is sexually transmitted.

Black blood during your period is normal, as long as it is not an infrequent occurrence. Very dark blood begins to be released if the period fluid has remained in the uterine cavity for a long time, for example, after a night. However, if there is a frequent occurrence of black blood during menstruation, regardless of the time of day, it is recommended to urgently go to a gynecologist.

And remember: if there is the slightest doubt or concern about your health, it is always better to consult a doctor.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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