
What Did You Not Know About Chicken Eggs?

Eggs are healthy and nutritious

On average, a chicken egg contains 80 kilocalories. In addition, eggs contain valuable vitamins, minerals, and protein. Eating eggs not only provides energy but also has a positive effect on the condition of hair, eyesight, and the entire body.

Vitamins contained in eggs:

  • A: essential for healthy skin and growth.
  • D: strengthens bones, and increases calcium absorption.
  • E: protects cells from oxidation.
  • B1: helps to properly release energy from carbohydrates.
  • B2: promotes the release of energy from proteins and fats.
  • B6: promotes the metabolism of proteins.
  • B12: one of the most important vitamins in the formation of nerve fibers and blood cells.

Minerals contained in eggs:

  • Iron: essential for the production of red blood cells.
  • Zinc: good for enzyme stability and plays an important role in puberty.
  • Calcium: the most important mineral for strengthening bones and teeth.
  • Iodine: controls thyroid hormones.
  • Selenium: Like vitamin E, it acts as an antioxidant, i.e. protects our cells from damage. It is extremely beneficial for skin and hair health.

Eggs contain biologically valuable proteins in their purest form. The biological value of egg white is so high that nutritionists use it as a standard when comparing other dietary proteins. Their “biological value” is determined by how efficiently the protein is used for growth. For egg white, this figure is 93.7. Milk, fish, beef, and rice, respectively, have a bio-value of 84.5, 76, 74.3, and 64. The higher the value, the better the protein is absorbed.

Cholesterol in eggs is not as dangerous as it is commonly believed

It is found only in the yolk and is balanced by lecithin (a substance also found in eggs that helps process cholesterol and fats).

Eating raw eggs is dangerous

Delicious eggnog can bring unpleasant consequences in the form of salmonellosis. The dangerous bacterium is often found in raw eggs and is killed by heat treatment. However, quails do not suffer from this disease, so their eggs can be consumed raw. It is also important to wash eggs thoroughly and prevent germs from the surface of the shell from entering the egg mass.

On average, a hen produces about 250 to 300 eggs per year

It takes her about a day to lay one egg.

White eggs are just as healthy as brown eggs

Contrary to the widespread myth about the exceptional benefits and taste of brown eggs compared to white ones, the latter are no worse.

What then determines the quality of eggs? Mainly on what the birds are fed and the conditions in which they are kept. The color of the yolk is also determined by the diet of chickens, and the appearance of the egg has nothing to do with it. As for the shell, it has been noticed that the product obtained from young layers is stronger. But from this perspective, it’s not just the age of the animal that matters. It is also important whether the bird’s body receives enough substances that contribute to the formation of a strong eggshell.
The question remains why a dark-looking product has a higher price. In fact, everything is explained by the size of the hens that lay the eggs. It turns out that the ones that give us brown eggs can be a bit larger. This means that it is more expensive to feed such a bird.

In any case, we found out that the color of the eggs does not mean anything.

Japan is the world leader in chicken egg consumption

On average, every resident of the country eats one egg every day.

Diet eggs are healthier than table eggs

The classification of eggs into diet and table eggs depends on their freshness. Dietary eggs are those that have been stored at a temperature above zero for no more than 7 days after laying. Table eggs can be stored for up to 25 days.

Eggs should not be stored next to strongly smelling foods

Due to their porous shells, they easily absorb odors.

The longer an egg has been heat-treated, the harder it is to digest

Hard-boiled eggs take about three hours to digest. That is why it is better not to eat hard-boiled eggs before bed.

To determine the freshness of an egg, you can dip it in a bowl of cold water

The fresher the egg, the smaller its air chamber, which means that the egg will sink. At the same time, a stale egg will float to the surface, and it is not advisable to eat such an egg.

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Written by Bella Adams

I'm a professionally-trained, executive chef with over ten years in Restaurant Culinary and hospitality management. Experienced in specialized diets, including Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw foods, whole food, plant-based, allergy-friendly, farm-to-table, and more. Outside of the kitchen, I write about lifestyle factors that impact well-being.

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