
What Will Happen to the Body if You Don’t Eat Bread at All – Nutritionist’s Answer

According to a nutritionist, bread has an average calorie content of 250-300 kilocalories per 100 grams. At the same time, wheat bread has a high glycemic index. Certain problems can be avoided by either giving up bread altogether or minimizing its consumption.

According to her, the caloric content of bread is on average 250-300 kilocalories per 100 grams. At the same time, wheat bread made from fine flour has a high glycemic index of 85-90.

“When you eat white bread, there is a strong release of insulin: blood sugar rises sharply, then drops just as sharply, and you feel hungry faster. Thus, fine flour bread indirectly affects weight gain by stimulating appetite. If you sit a lot and move little, it is better to remove the product from the menu,” Razumovskaya said.

The nutritionist noted that whole-grain bread is high in dietary fiber. And if you eat too much of it, you can provoke bloating and flatulence. But if you eat bread in moderation (100 grams of whole grain bread contains about 7.4 grams of dietary fiber), then it, on the contrary, helps digestion.

“White bread made from fine flour, on the other hand, can lead to constipation, especially in older people, and if you have intestinal problems, it’s better to exclude it from the menu,” the nutritionist concluded. “Bread is a fast carbohydrate that negatively affects carbohydrate metabolism and causes insulin resistance. If a person gives up bread, insulin, and glucose will decrease and carbohydrate and lipid metabolism will normalize,” the expert says.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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