
Where Did Spaghetti Originally Come From?

Italian pasta is one of the most popular in the world. Most people love them with a simple tomato sauce. But where exactly the spaghetti comes from is still a controversial topic.

Where does the spaghetti come from

Where the spaghetti comes from is not entirely clear. They consist mainly of durum wheat semolina and have a round cross-section. The overall average is about 2mm when cooked. The length is always 25 cm. The origin is almost exclusively limited to Italy. In Germany, the long, thin noodles are also made, some of which consist of egg batter.

There are both thicker and thinner versions of these noodles. Thicker ones are called spaghettoni, thinner spaghettini and the thinnest are called capellini. All varieties differ only minimally in diameter, but have large differences in cooking time. Normal pasta usually takes 9 minutes to cook, while capellini only need 3 minutes to cook.

The first vermicelli made from millet flour was found two thousand years before Christ. So where the pasta comes from is and remains controversial. The origin can therefore be traced back to Italy, Germany and China.

Tips for eating Italian pasta

Spaghetti is prepared and eaten in many different ways. In Italy, where most pasta comes from, it is usually eaten with garlic and oil. This variant is particularly tasty and aromatic with olive oil.

It is easy to see where the variant with the simple tomato sauce comes from. This species comes from Germany. A tomato paste sauce is prepared with a roux made from butter and flour. In Italy, this tomato sauce is made exclusively from spices and tomato passata and is sold as Spaghetti Napoli.

Another well-known variant is the Carbonara variety. Here a cream sauce is prepared and refined with bacon and egg yolk. In addition, you can add parmesan here and thus get an even more aromatic taste.

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Written by Madeline Adams

My name is Maddie. I am a professional recipe writer and food photographer. I have over six years of experience developing delicious, simple, and replicable recipes that your audience will be drooling over. I’m always on the pulse of what’s trending and what people are eating. My educational background is in Food Engineering and Nutrition. I am here to support all of your recipe writing needs! Dietary restrictions and special considerations are my jam! I’ve developed and perfected more than two hundred recipes with focuses ranging from health and wellness to family-friendly and picky-eater-approved. I also have experience in gluten-free, vegan, paleo, keto, DASH, and Mediterranean Diets.

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