
Fitness Snacks: Delicious In The Office, During Sports And In Between

As an active person, pay attention to your diet: The body should get all the important nutrients so that you can push your limits during training and recover optimally after the workout! Small snacks are part of it – you can find out which ones are recommended here.

Bite healthy: fitness snacks

Especially with athletes, hunger likes to appear between the main meals. The next best candy bar is taboo: You’re not on a strict diet, but you want to treat your body to a more nutritious snack that supports training success. Healthy snacks do not necessarily have to be low in calories, on the contrary: those who train intensively need the energy. But if you want or need to count calories, we recommend our low-calorie snack recipes.

What matters is what the snack consists of and what sporting goals you are pursuing. A low-carb snack with lots of protein, such as yoghurt with nuts, is ideal for building muscle. Sufficient minerals, carbohydrates, and vitamins should also be supplied after training. A recommended recipe, for example, is our fitness smoothie with fruit, yoghurt, and oatmeal.

A high nutrient density is crucial

Protein is also important for endurance athletes, but when it comes to fitness food, the focus is on replenishing carbohydrates. However, the fitness snacks should contain as little sugar as possible: it only provides “empty” calories with no nutritional value and does not fill you up for long. Energy sources that contain as many nutrients as possible in addition to calories are better. The good old bananas, for example, which Boris Becker ate during the breaks in his tennis matches, contain vitamin B6 and potassium, which are important for energy metabolism and muscle function.
If you prefer something hearty, bite into a fitness roll according to our recipe: wholemeal bread as a basis and a topping of cheese and vegetables result in an optimal mixture of complex carbohydrates, protein, minerals, and vitamins. You can find delicious cooking ideas that will help you build muscle, get fit or lose weight in our fitness recipes.

What constitutes a balanced diet?

A balanced diet or whole food diet should be as varied as possible. You don’t have to do without anything, but while you can eat your fill with some foods, you should only enjoy others in small quantities. For example, it is advisable to include as many fiber-rich grain products as possible, various types of vegetables and fruit, and regular low-fat milk or dairy products on the menu. You should eat fish once or twice a week. Eat meat, sausages, and eggs only in moderation. Frugality is also important with fat, sugar, and salt. In addition, an adequate supply of fluids – ideally with water and unsweetened tea – is essential for a balanced diet. You should drink at least one and a half liters of liquid throughout the day.

For bread, cereal flakes, rice, or pasta, opt for the appropriate whole grain products as often as possible. These contain more fiber, which ensures a longer-lasting feeling of satiety and a slower rise in blood sugar levels. Potatoes are also a tasty, filling, and nutrient-rich source of energy. Side dishes and sauces should contain as little cream, oil, and cheese as possible – for example, a tomato sauce with vegetables is better for pasta than a cheese and cream sauce. Herbs and spices are a great way to add flavor without using too much salt.

For meat and meat products, 300 to 600 g per week is a guideline. If possible, choose high-quality meat with as little fat as possible. White meat from poultry is considered healthier than red meat from beef, pork, or lamb.

Eliminating fat, sugar, and salt completely from your diet does not make sense. You cannot do without fat because it is essential for life. You also cannot survive without salt, but this is already hidden in many foods and does not have to be taken in additionally.

After all, you need essential fatty acids for a balanced diet; some vitamins can only be absorbed by the body with the help of fat. Give preference to vegetable oils from oilseeds, such as sunflower seeds, over animal fats. Although sugar is an essential supplier of energy, there is nothing wrong with the occasional consumption of sweet foods. When it comes to salt, less is more – opt for products fortified with iodine and fluoride to ensure the supply of these essential nutrients.

Try to prepare your dishes as gently as possible by cooking them at rather low temperatures or only for a short time. Take time for your meals, especially at work. Take a break, sit quietly, and savor every bite.

It is best to supplement a balanced diet with sufficient exercise in order to maintain a healthy weight and feel completely at ease. If you don’t have time for sport, build exercise into your everyday life: Walk more often, take the stairs instead of the elevator and go for a walk more often. Sufficient time for relaxation is also a good addition to a balanced diet.

When Should You Eat Fitness Snacks?

When you snack between meals is just as important as the type of snack. If you only eat it when you are already standing at the weight bench, it is too late: the nutrients are then no longer available to the body in good time. Enjoyed for hours beforehand, the effect has already evaporated during training. So the ideal time is about 30 to 60 minutes before exercise, as long as the meal is not too heavy and too lavish. If the organism is busy with digestion, you feel sluggish during training or even struggle with nausea.

Ultimately, everyone should try out what they tolerate best and when. This also applies to fitness snacks that you want to eat during your workout. During intensive training sessions, most athletes rely on a largely liquid energy supply and otherwise on handy protein snacks such as energy and muesli bars, which you can easily make yourself. Our recipe for granola bars offers you an additional option.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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