
Is Vanilla a Fruit?

Vanilla pudding, vanilla yoghurt, vanilla biscuits, vanilla muffins and vanilla cappuccino: there are many sweet delicacies with the popular spice. A distinction must be made between real vanilla and the flavoring substance vanillin. Here you can find out what else you should know about the flavor enhancer.

Interesting facts about vanilla

Not all vanilla is the same: If the spice is on the list of ingredients in ready-made pastries, yoghurts or a vanilla ice cream recipe, vanilla aroma is often meant. However, the artificial vanillin cannot keep up with the fine taste of real vanilla. This is obtained from the capsules of an orchid species, the main growing countries are Madagascar, the Comoros, Réunion and Mexico. Harvested before flowering, the fresh vanilla pods go through a week-long fermentation process: The result is the commercially available, dried vanilla pods. Due to the complex, lengthy production process, real vanilla is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Even small amounts of premium varieties such as high-quality Bourbon vanilla cost several euros, which is why vanillin or natural vanilla flavoring is often used in finished products. Fine sweets like vanilla butter truffles are usually flavored with real vanilla.

Purchasing and storage

When shopping, pay close attention to the designation. With vanilla sticks and pods ground into vanilla powder, you can be sure you are getting the natural product. Although vanilla extract is obtained from the pod, it contains other flavorings. With vanilla flavoring, the word “natural” on the packaging is important. In this case, it must be made from at least 95 percent real vanilla. Vanilla flavor without the addition “natural” is produced purely synthetically, natural flavor from natural substances such as rice bran.

You should also be careful with vanilla sugar: under this name, the popular baking ingredient contains real vanilla. Vanillin sugar, on the other hand, is artificially produced. Whatever form you buy vanilla in, make sure you always close open packages well and store them in a cool, dark place. You should process the pods as quickly as possible, as the aroma will disappear.

Kitchen tips for vanilla

The pulp of the vanilla pods is used in cooking and baking. To do this, cut the pods lengthwise and scrape out the inside. During processing, it breaks down into the typical black crumbs, by which you can recognize real vanilla without a doubt. The empty vanilla pods can be boiled or you can put them in sugar for a few weeks in a jar, which you can use for your tea, for baking, or for caramelized dishes. Another area of ​​application for the spice is in drinks, above all the vanilla milkshake. The taste also harmonizes very well with berries such as blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Together with cottage cheese, for example, you can mix a filling vanilla berry protein drink that tastes good after exercise or for breakfast. If you prefer a wholesome meal in the morning, you can prepare a quinoa porridge with vanilla and turmeric and enjoy a spicy-sweet dish rounded off with cinnamon and ginger.

What does it mean when you call someone vanilla?

It means “not kinky”, referring to someone who always chooses the same flavor of ice cream and doesn’t feel the desire to try anything different.

Is vanilla a fruit?

Vanilla is the only edible fruit of the orchid family, the largest family of flowering plants in the world. There are over 150 varieties of vanilla plants. Just like grapes that make wine, no two vanilla beans are the same in flavor, aroma, or color.

Where does the term vanilla come from?

According to Etymonline this connotation is recent and was, apparently, initially used to refer to sex: Meaning “conventional, of ordinary sexual preferences” is 1970s, from notion of whiteness and the common choice of vanilla ice cream.

What plant is vanilla made from?

The vanilla orchid (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) originated in Mexico and, for centuries, was the exclusive secret of the native Totonac Indians who were later conquered by the Aztecs.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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