Cookies: Pistachio Coconut Cookies
The perfect cookies: pistachio coconut cookies recipe with a picture and simple step-by-step instructions.
- 100 g Pitted dates, chopped
- 70 g Pistachios
- 2 Pc. Ripe bananas
- 100 g Desiccated coconut
- 100 g Oatmeal
- 2 tbsp Maple syrup
- 3 tsp Rose water
- 1 pinch Salt
- 1 Pc. Organic orange, juice and zest
- 1 tbsp Coconut oil, melt
- Peel the pistachios, roughly chop and fry them briefly in a pan without fat. Process oat flakes, desiccated coconut, coconut oil, maple syrup, orange peel and juice, rose water, salt and mashed bananas into a dough with the food processor. Fold in the date pieces and 3/4 of the chopped pistachios. Chill the dough for about 30 minutes.
- Shape walnut-sized balls and place them next to each other on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Press flat into round coins with the back of your hand. Spread the rest of the pistachios on top and bake in the preheated oven at 175 degrees circulating air for about 12 – max. 15 minutes.
- The baked cookies taste best lukewarm and keep in the refrigerator for a few days. Alternatively, you can freeze them.
- Since the “dough” also tasted really good raw, I formed a few energy balls and stored them unbaked in the refrigerator. I used another part of the dough to make Rawnola. Simply grind into coarse crumbles and z. B. distribute on the porridge in the morning.
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