
Gnocchi Expired: When You Can Still Eat Them

Gnocchi expired: Then you can still eat them

An expired gnocchi package is not that bad, the situation is different with gnocchi that has already been cooked.

  • Every food product comes with a best-before date printed on it. This serves as orientation for the customer, but also provides legal protection for the seller and manufacturer.
  • Therefore, most dishes can be enjoyed well beyond this date. In the case of dry gnocchi that is still in the sealed package, this is the case for quite a long time.
  • Gnocchi are made only from potatoes, flour, and milk. When dried, they can therefore be kept for at least two to three years.
  • Nevertheless, the following applies: Always do an odor test and take a close look at the expired food. If it smells unpleasant or is an unusual color, it is probably inedible.
  • The same applies to already cooked gnocchi. These are then only edible for less than a week before they dry out or begin to mold. Be sure to check the smell and appearance before eating.
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Written by Lindy Valdez

I specialize in food and product photography, recipe development, testing, and editing. My passion is health and nutrition and I am well-versed in all types of diets, which, combined with my food styling and photography expertise, helps me to create unique recipes and photos. I draw inspiration from my extensive knowledge of world cuisines and try to tell a story with every image. I am a best-selling cookbook author and I have also edited, styled and photographed cookbooks for other publishers and authors.

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